Thursday, February 25, 2010

They're Against Health Care Why Again?

They say health care reform would be too expensive?

I have never seen taxes go up 17% in just one year. And that is one of the lighter gouges Blue Cross is putting on people across the country.


  1. Why? 1) Because it's not what the Federal Government is for. 2) Because it won't work. and 3) Because we can't afford it.

  2. Well, the current system doesn't work and we can't afford that. So now what? Wait for the health care bubble to burst and send us into a full fledged depression? Not a smart choice.

  3. Who can afford health insurance that goes up 6 times the rate of inflation?

  4. Those that use their LIBERTY and freedom of choice to chose to do so. OR they currently have the right to NOT do so.

    However, my fear is that many plans being considered would FORCE everyone to buy into the system. Even those that YOU seem to admit can't "afford" to do so. Or perhaps they will magically be able to afford it if it's a Democratic plan.

  5. And what of the people that would use their liberty and freedom of choice to choose to have insurance, but cannot afford it? Just let them die? They don't deserve to live because they are poor seems to be a common theme for the conservatives, then they accuse the left of elitism. Sorry, but I disagree with letting people die just because it might cost a few bucks.

  6. We are all going to die. My having insurance will not change that. No one has a right to insurance.

    Yes reforms need to happen. But fereally mandated coverage for all is not what the federal gov is for. Nor will it work. Nor can the federal gov afford to have such a burden.

  7. And what do you think will happen as more and more people are either cut off from their insurance or forced to drop their insurance because it has become unaffordable? Here's a hint, they go on a gov't sponsored system. It would be much wiser to plan ahead and get a grip on it now, instead of just kicking the can down the road, like the Republicans like to do, and which led us to this mess now.

  8. Prove it. I'm obviously listening. Just show me where the Constitution says that it's the Federal Gov's job to save everyone, then prove that it will make everything all better, and then prove that the federal gov can sustain the burden of everyone's hospital bills and you'll have a convert.

  9. Where does it say it can't help people have access to medical care? And again, what would you propose? Euthanasia for the poor? That is unthinkable and not worthy of my time.

  10. When you read the throwing around of the word freedom you are dealing with someone not working from a platform of maturity. The Constitution does lead off with the phrase "protect the general welfare." You take if from there.

    As far as the mandates, please think. You cannot have a decent insurance pool if the (currently) healthy people are included. And even they might have a cancer or accident waiting for them.

    Where is Dan when you need a dash of intelligence?

  11. By the way Rich, I figured out what the GOP thinks reconciliation is for -- helping the rich, Rich.

  12. So our Founding Fathers were not mature???

    You're also confusing the words protect and provide.

  13. It's neither protect NOR provide. IT's POMOTE!!!! the general welfare. NOT provide for it.

    And where does it say that the Fed Gov can't provide everything to everyone? THE 10th Ammendment!!!

    Here's a hint: Read the Constitution.

  14. oops "Promote" not Pomote. I'll make myself do push-ups later as punishment.

  15. Part of the problem is that the health care bill currently before congress adds 500 billion in new taxes and borrows another 500 billion from Medicare. The total cost is more than a trillion dollars - something we, as a nation cannot afford.

    Capper, you want to know why our health care premiums keep rising? Because we have injected anti-free market mechanisms (malpractice lawsuits and no interstate competition) into the health care industry, not to mention that our government run health care has already artificially increased the prices in the private industry.

  16. Hey Walker lackeys and other right-wing arrogants- tell it to my friends Steve and Tracy, and ask them how much "freedom" they have under our system.

    You deserve to have some real adversity come up in your lives, and learn a damn lesson from it.

    And I'm sure any business or government entity can easily handle a 17% rise in one of their biggest expenses. They just brush it off...

  17. Hey Jake, lacky's and other left wing idealists. Where does the money come from that provides goods and services?

    Sorry about your friends and more sorry they have you trying to help them since I'm a lackey who helps those that know how to ask for it.

  18. The reform would be cheaper than the current system, which would leave more money in your pocket. Yet the right says that's a bad thing. I guess we can see which side is for the people.

  19. Jake,

    You're making an assumption that our views are so superficial, that if we ran into serious health problems, then we would immediately support a government run health care system to suit our own interests.

    I must say, I have run into health issues. Because I was diagnosed with a pre-existing condition, my expenses were not covered. The problem with you liberals is that exceptional examples provide the basis for a blanket policy, which of course is unwise and expensive.

  20. And here I thought that conservatives valued life, but now, thanks to Aaron, we see money is more important.

  21. The problem with that statement is your unwillingness to accept that money affects our lives. Your own statement bares witness to this point because you need money in order to cover the costs of health care insurance.

    We conservatives understand that you can't just make everyone better by taking more away from everyone else, without their permission I might add.

    Polls show that people don't want your health care reform, nor do they want any revised version of it. Most insured people are quite happy with what they got, and they don't want the government forcing them to change it. Nor do we want to be threatened with imprisonment if we refuse to be insured. That sounds awfully totalitarian.

  22. No arod and Terry- I assume you'd have a rudimentary understanding of economics where you'd see how the uncertainty caused by unregulated insurance companies jacking rates solely for profit and CEO salary kills the ability of businesses to grow. And you'd also have a clue in understanding that health care costs are the largest driver in the higher benefit costs that increase taxes for local governments.

    The fact that you miss this easy point while screaming your whiny heads off about public sector employee benefits and higher taxes that result mean you are either ignoramuses who don't know jack about how businesses run, or dishonest bastards without the guts to reconsider your incorrect ideas.

    And don't give me that BS "polls show people don't want health reform" talking point. Those polls show people accpert the status quo the LEAST, and when you combine the people disapprove because health reform needs to go further along with those in support of the current bill, that's 60-65% who want reform.

    Your way of low taxes and low services has failed. Our health system is failing, and hamstringing our economy. But you don't care if you fail as long as your boys are in power.

    I help and support my friends, and have empathy for others that might have bad things befall them. I recognize that some things are more important than "cash and power by any means necessary." I guess weaklings like you are incapable of getting that until bad things happen to you. No wonder that the only people you associate with are online bloggers and radio talk show hosts who cynically kiss your ass, because no decent person would associate with selfish trash like you in the real world.

  23. I see this discussion quickly turned into debasement, and that is unfortunate.

  24. Unregulated insurance companies? They're one of the most regulated industries in America. And that regulation has decreased competition, forced coverage, and increased costs to what we have today.

    If you believe the government can take over the whole system, add coverage to tens of millions more people, do it less expensively and with the same high level of service we have today, you must be smoking hopium.

  25. No, TerryN, the system is not regulated. When I first got out of school, I started working in psych hospitals, and at that time there were 10 or so such hospitals in the regions, not county the county's mental health complex. Now there is only two free standing hospitals and some med hospitals have opened a psych wing.

    The draw back happened in the mid-1990's when TOMMY!!! and cohorts deregulated the insurance coverage in Wisconsin. Now we have seen a lack of beds and and increase in crime. Which do you think is cheaper?

  26. Then why can't I buy a low cost plan that only covers catastrophic coverage?

    You might want to follow the link to see the bigger picture.
