Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Scott Walker Skips Parenting & Writes A Letter

By Jeff Simpson

With a national debate started by the NFL Players, and the President weighing in,  Scott Walker, ever the one for media attention, felt the need to weigh in. 

Scott Walker took time out of his busy schedule as head of the Republican Governors Association to write a letter to the NFLPA(because he has such a good relationship with unions) to tell them they should stop their protesting during the national anthem.   He let the African American Players know that their protests against police brutality against their community was not worth the time and they should focus on domestic violence. 

It is nice that Scott Walker is finally speaking out against La Crosse County Republican Party Leader Bill Feehan, but it is sad that a child of privilege, who has full security, and billionaires shoveling him money, feels that the African American community has no grounds to protest and it is time to move on. 

A lot has been made about National Football League (NFL) players protesting by kneeling, remaining in the locker room, or other means during the national anthem. Speaking up for what you believe in is a profoundly American idea, but disrespecting our flag, and the men and women who have fought to protect and defend our country, is not American in the slightest.

It is time for players in the NFL to stop their protests during the anthem and move on from what has become a divisive political sideshow. Instead, I encourage them to use their voices and influence to take a stand against domestic violence. With the NFL Fall League Meeting occurring tomorrow, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, now would be an especially opportune time to strongly condemn domestic violence and lead the charge in supporting safe families across America.

Where to begin? 

Speaking up for what you believe in is profoundly American.....Unless of course you speak up against him

When Scott Walker was Milwaukee County executive, his office obstructed a criminal probe into thousands of dollars missing from a veterans charity, two investigators said Friday in a federal court filing.
Daniel Bice of the Journal Sentinel reported in 2012 that records showed the John Doe investigation was opened in 2010 after investigators said they had been stonewalled by Walker's county executive office. At the time, Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf wrote that Walker's office had been "unwilling or unable" to turn over records.
A former top aide to Walker, Tim Russell, was sentenced to two years in prison in January 2013 for stealing more than $21,000 from a nonprofit chosen to administer Walker's annual Operation Freedom veterans picnic at the zoo. Walker had named Russell to lead the group.
Ex-Walker appointee Kevin Kavanaugh was convicted of stealing more than $51,000 from money donated to help veterans and their families. He was sentenced to two years in prison, but served just over half that.
move on from what has become a divisive political sideshow. 

In related news, and speaking of disrespecting our flag and the men and women of our armed forces, The Donald held a press conference to let everyone know:

Trump said, “President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls, a lot of them didn’t make calls. I like to call when it’s appropriate, when I think I’m able to do it.”

The problem being, The Donald was blatantly lying.

I am guessing that Scott Walker will let this disrespect stand unchallenged.

Luckily, San Antonio Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich, decided he needed to speak up! 

“I’ve been amazed and disappointed by so much of what this president had said, and his approach to running this country, which seems to be one of just a never ending divisiveness. But his comments today about those who have lost loved ones in times of war and his lies that previous presidents Obama and Bush never contacted their families are so beyond the pale, I almost don’t have the words.”
 “This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner—and to lie about how previous presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers—is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House, unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office, and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this president should be ashamed, because they know better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.”
While I agree with coach Pop, I think soulless coward extends beyond Donald Trump. 

PS:  The one issue that Scott Walker has not offered up his opinion on?  Why his son stealing a State van of course!  

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