Saturday, March 24, 2012

Help Save Clintonville!

As you've probably heard by now, Clintonville, Wisconsin has been experiencing a series of loud booming and shaking during the last week.

Officials have stated that the cause is microquakes, small earthquakes registering with a 1.5 magnitude.

Don't believe them.

The sad truth is that Clintonville is only about 25 miles from my castle.  Sadly, due to the way that Scott Walker's malevolent state budget and attack on the working people, which has caused tens of thousands of people, like my wife, to lose their jobs, we simply haven't been able to make it up to the castle like we should.

In fact, we haven't been home for over three long months now.

And just as it breaks my heart not to go home, it is also hurting the land.  Any student of Arthurian Legend knows that "the land and the king are one".

So to help heal my broken heart and to stop Clintonville from being swallowed up by the land in its fits of agony, won't you please donate so that I can return to the land?  The link is on the right hand side of the site or you can click here.

I thank you and the land thanks you.


  1. I floated CogDis a C Note a couple weeks back, so feel paid up for the month. BTW, is that tax deductible?


  2. Sadly, no, it's not tax deductible. But the gift is dearly appreciated.
