Saturday, July 27, 2024

Home Of Future Ice Cream Shop To Open On Milwaukee's South Side.


I found this in my email inbox yesterday:

Click on image to embiggen

While the Republicans are calling it their "new" Hispanic outreach office, it's not their first.  They had another one that they quickly abandoned after Felon Trump lost in 2020, where it sat vacant until earlier this year when it was announced it would become an ice cream shop.

That sounds like a good motto, though. More ice cream, less Republicans.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

RoJo: The Teleprompter Set Me Up!

 After Felon Trump got his ear nicked on Saturday, the Republicans decided to make the theme of their national convention unity.  You know, regular kumbaya stuff.  Of course, unity and peace are such foreign concepts to the Republicans that you just knew that they wouldn't be able to pull it off.

And sure enough, on Monday night, Senator Ron Johnson, our dumb senator, blew it immediately when he gave his hate speech attacking Democrats and the LGBTQ+ community:

When asked about what happened to the unity, RoJo immediately blamed it on the teleprompter: He then doubled down on the lie by saying that someone didn't enter the revisions he made to his speech, thereby confirming he originally wanted to give the hate speech:


I wonder if RoJo would also blame his teleprompter for the op ed he wrote, which was published Monday morning, in which he not only blames Democrats and the LGBTQ+ community, but also displays his racism and anti-Semitism for good measure:

Make no mistake, the current Democratic Party bears little resemblance to that of my parents and grandparents. The Democratic Party of yesteryear cared about workers and people struggling to get by. Today’s progressive Democrats divide our nation with open borders, identity politics, critical race theory, transgenderism, and the sexualization and indoctrination of our children. Their massive growth of government with all the deficit spending it requires, combined with their insane war on fossil fuels, has put achieving the American Dream out of reach for too many of our fellow citizens.


Unfortunately, Milwaukee suffers from many of the problems experienced by other large cities that have been governed by progressive Democrats for decades. George Soros-backed radical left District Attorneys refuse to prosecute crime, which only encourages more crime, endangers citizens, and causes businesses to shut down, resulting in economic blight. Public schools are failing inner city children, denying them the education and skills they will need to lead successful lives. Even worse, instead of focusing on education, radical leftist teacher unions ensure our children are indoctrinated with their divisive ideologies of class and social warfare. 

The progressive Democrats’ open border policies will only exacerbate big city crime and education problems. Resources that could otherwise be used to address those issues will be diverted to deal with the illegal immigrants flooding into Democrat-run sanctuary cities. Human, sex, and drug trafficking facilitated by the progressive Democrats’ open border will plague our society far into the future. Foreign terrorists and members of some of the most brutal gangs from around the world have taken advantage of the porous border. America will be the recipient of Venezuela’s emptied jails and mental institutions. 
RoJo is simply incapable of unity.  All he can do is hate anyone and everyone who is not a white, conservative, filthy rich man. Which is also most of the GOP when you think about it.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Wisconsin's Very Special And Meaningful Independence Day

As the gentle reader already knows, Thursday was the Fourth of July, Independence Day.  It's the day the country sets aside to celebrate the birth of our country with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

However, in Wisconsin, the party started a little earlier.  

On Wednesday, Dane County Circuit Court Judge Jacob Frost ordered that Wisconsin workers are once again free and independent, when he found that Act 10, Scott Walker's attack on public sector workers and their unions, was unconstitutional, which is something that we had been saying all along:

The lawsuit argues the 2011 law violates equal protection guarantees in the Wisconsin Constitution by dividing public employees into two classes: "general" and "public safety" employees. Public safety employees are exempt from the collective bargaining limitations imposed on "general" public employees.

"Rational basis review provides a simple premise. Can you explain a law’s differing treatment of different groups in a way that makes sense and supports a public policy? If not, the different treatment is irrational and violates the right to equal protection of the laws. Because nobody could provide this Court an explanation that reasonably showed why municipal police and fire and State Troopers are considered public safety employees, but Capitol Police, UW Police and conservation wardens, who have the same authority and do the same work, are not," Frost wrote in his ruling.

"Thus, Capitol Police, UW Police, and conservation wardens are treated unequally with no rational basis for that difference. Act 10 therefore violates their rights to equal protection under the law and I declare those provisions of the Act relating to collective bargaining modifications unconstitutional and void."

The Republicans were besides themselves, accusing Frost of being an "activist judge," and complaining how it was held up by the Supreme Court through several challenges.  What they forget to mention is that those supreme court justices who went along with it were beneficiaries of the same dark money groups that the other Republicans were and were just as corrupt. 

Exactly what parts of Act 10 are going to be struck down is yet to be seen yet.  Judge Frost has ordered both parties to submit letters to address this:

Frost concluded his order with this: "As my decision appears to resolve all issues, I order the parties to file a letter or memorandum to the Court as to whether the Court should issue judgment on the pleadings in light of this Decision or take some other action to bring this action to a final judgment. As part of that discussion, Plaintiffs should address what sections of Act 10 must be severed and struck under my ruling and Defendants shall respond on this issue as well."

No matter what the end result, the biggest thing is that it opens the door to better things, including people being able to go to work and knowing that they will be going home again, unlike the way they are now.

To make things even sweeter, it means the end of Walker's legacy and probably the end of any further political aspirations he might have had.