The United States has a long history of opposing fascism. Our country was founded by people looking for freedom of religion. We had a bloody civil war to end slavery. We fought in WWII to stop the Nazis because they were killing Jews, homosexuals and anyone else that didn't meet their approval. That is why we call the brave people that fought against the Nazis The Greatest Generation.
But this country has now lost its way.
Last week, during the Orange Felon's inauguration (note to MAGA - it was an inauguration, not a coronation), his puppet master, Elmo Musty, deccided to do a Nazi salute, not just once, but twice. And yes, it was a Nazi salute. To make sure everyone knew that he was a fascist pig, Elmo then went on to crack jokes about the Holocaust and spoke to a neo-Nazi party in Germany, telling them to let go of past guilt for killing millions of people.
Like millions of other Americans, CBS58's then meteorologist Sam Kuffel, expressed her outrage on her private social media account on Instagram. That is what true Americans do. It's what our parents, grandparents and great grandparents would have done.
But like I said, the country has lost its way.
Right wing squawkere Danny Boy O'Donnell got wind of Kuffel's posts, and being the Nazi collaborator that he is, squealed like a pig about it, calling her posts "vulgar" and "lies." If O'Donnell was alive in Nazi Germany, he would have been the guy who ratted out Anne Frank.
O'Donnell and his other Nazi sympathizers raised such a stink that CBS58 removed their own spine and fired Kuffel.
Yes, you read that right. Kuffel was fired for condemning a Nazi salute.
Apparently, CBS 58's news director, Jessie Garcia felt that their ratings were too high or something.
From what I've seen on the various social media platforms, Garcia might have her wish come true. Thousands of people have been barraging the "news" station with angry emails and phone calls. And a lot of people have said that they are done with CBS "news" and maybe even the station entirely.
When people can get elected besides being a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist but get critized for a Nazi gesture, well, our grandparents and great grandparents that fought in WWII must be rolling in their graves right now.
If we allow this to continue, we will become known as the Least Generation.
ADDENDUM: This is O'Donnell showing his white supremacy for the world to see:
Klan O'Donnell lead the charge to have Sam Kuffel fired for what he described as a "vulgar" post that pointed out MAGA-darling Elon did 2 Nazi Heils! Amazingly enough, Klan O'Donnell was 100% supportive of his WISN colleague Jay Weber X post attacking the disabled son of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as a "babbling bitch boy" that his parents must be "so proud of". Not one word from Klan that wasn't totally supportive of Weber's attack on a disabled child. Klan didn't call for his buddy Weber to be fired. Nothing vulgar about Weber's post. Sick..