Friday, May 10, 2024

Woman Fired Twice By The State Now Running To Be A State Rep


Milwaukee County Supervisor Deanna Alexander, a Republican, is reporteddly running for State Assembly.  That's a pretty gutsy move for a woman who was fired from the state not just once, but twice.

In 2016, Alexander was fired from Economic Support for using her position to get favorable treatment. She was late in getting her renewal for child care in and trying to use her position to have it bumped up instead of waiting in line like everyone else would have to do.

Somehow, she managed to then land an $86,000 a year job as a section chief overseeing parts of the Milwaukee County Child Welfare System (foster care).  She was fired from that job in 2018 for illlegal politicking.  She was helping a woman run her campaign while she was on the state clock.  

It's more than a little ironic that she would get fired for that by Scott Walker, since that is how he got elected and stayed in office.

But there's more.  There's always more.

Alexander is running as an independent for the state rep position. That is because then she can bypass that pesty primary business and wait until November before losing.

However, it is amusing that Alexander keeps applying for all these other jobs and running for all these other seats.  She must not have been happy about the consequences of voting to cut her salary as a county supervisor in half.  Poor widdle diddums.

Virginia School District Can't Quit Their White Supremacy

The school board in Shenandoah County, Virginia, did the right thing a few years ago by trying to catch up to modern times by losing the Confederate names to their schools. It was more than their feeble minds could handle.
Mountain View High School will go back to the name Stonewall Jackson High School. Honey Run Elementary School will go back to the name Ashby-Lee Elementary School. 
The board stripped their names after a Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd, fueling a national racial reckoning. The calls for racial justice and equity inspired some communities to remove Confederate symbolism and statues of Confederate generals. 
But in Shenandoah County, the conservative group Coalition for Better Schools petitioned school officials to reinstate the names of Jackson, Lee and Ashby. “We believe that revisiting this decision is essential to honor our community’s heritage and respect the wishes of the majority,” the coalition wrote in an April 3 letter to the board, according to a copy posted online. The board considered a similar motion in 2022, but it failed because of a tie vote.
So they're claiming that their heritage is white supremacy? Pretty soon their heritage will be unemployment. The only thing shocking about this story is that Rick Esenberg and WILL weren't involved.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Eric Hovde: The Ultimate Carpetbagger

Pornstache Carpetbagger

Everyone knows that Eric Hovde, aka Pornstache Carpetbagger, is really a Californian banker.  He lives in Laguna Beach, California and was awarded Citizen of the Year in Orange County for three years running. 

But apparently, old Pornstache is such a carpetbagger that he might not even be from this country.  Take for example, via Heartland Signal, a few days ago when he tried to pretend to be a Wisconsinite by going to the Slinger Speedway.  After giving a short speech of monolistic jingoism - America is great. Yay. - he wanted to lead the crowd into a rousing rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance.  But as soon as he started, you could see his mind blank out and he started looking like a deer caught in the headlights.  And it only got worse from there.

He even got help and he still could get it right!

But wait! There's more! There's always more!

When his totally ineffective spokesperson, Ben Voelkel, tried to do damage control, all he could do was point and yell, "Squirrel!"

Hovde's campaign spokesman, Ben Voelkel, responded that President Joe Biden is also known to stumble over words and phrases, including while on the campaign trail in Wisconsin.

Voelkel added that the media should instead focus on other things: "Families are struggling to afford groceries, terrorists and hundreds of thousands of criminals pour into the country illegally, mortgage rates are almost 8 percent, and leftist anti-Semitic protests rage across college campuses."

I wonder, is Hovde a Russian name, perchance?  I don't know, but given the stilted way he tried to be All American Guy and not being able to recite the pledge even with help, I'm no longer sure Hovde is actually American.

Everything Old Is New Again

 In breaking news, The Onion has just been sold and will be soon returning to its former glory.  

It's just another example of how things come around to a full circle.

Another example is that I am back home, at long last. 

I started this blog some 15 or so years ago.  Then I got invited to write for Crooks and Liars, an opportunity I eagerly accepted.  I thought I could manage both blogs, but with me retiring, Jeff passing away and other parts of life getting in the way, it turned out to be too much. 

But things change, life moves on and, well, Whallah!, I am back.  Oh, I'll still be writing at C&L as long as they will let me, but I will be able to spend more time here as well.  

Anyway, while I've been gone, there as been some marked improvements in the state, with the most notable being the election of Justice Janet Protasiewicz and justice finally returning to Wisconsin after all these years.

However, there is still a lot more work to do and it's not going to do itself.  Yes, there's more.  There's always more.

So, what do you say, gentle reader?  Shall we roll up our sleeves and get to it?  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Propagandist Dan O'Donnell Pulls Out A Big Nugget Of Hypocrisy

Dan O'Donnell, squawk shock jock at WISN and propagandist hack for the MacIver Institute, followed orders, dug deep and pulled out a big, old nugget of hypocrisy as he tried to spin Tuesday's election results as a win:
Wisconsin voters spoke loudly and clearly Tuesday, striking a blow for democracy by forever banishing private money from election administration. Such donations, commonly known as “Zuckerbucks,” led to an utterly lawless 2020 presidential election in Green Bay and the illegal coordination between liberal activists and Milwaukee election officials. On Tuesday, however, voters approved a pair of constitutional amendments that will prohibit this sort of interference. The first, which bans private election funding, passed in a 54%-46%, 100,000-vote landslide. The second, which reaffirms that only election officials (not liberal activists hired with private donations) can administer elections, passed with an even greater margin—59%-41% and nearly 200,000 total votes. The most likely reason for the nearly 100,000-vote discrepancy between the two was the confusing wording of the first ballot question, which prompted many voters to believe that voting “no” would have banned private funds. Despite that, the fate of Zuckerbucks in Wisconsin was never really in doubt.
Now, we all know that in reality, the results of those amendments means that elections will continue to be underfunded and understaffed, meaning having to travel further and to stand in longer lines in order to vote. In other words, they are trying to make it more difficult to vote, especially in more liberal communities and in minority communities. The Republicans are hoping that this will keep people from the polls, because, as we all know, when more people vote, Republicans lose. 

 But that's not the hypocritical part. That comes from as a side comment from Dan Bice:
One Republican insider noted that Vos helped push through "two election integrity referendums that address the thing his haters say he refused to address." He got a helping hand from the conservative MacIver Institute and the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, which combined to spend more than $100,000 on the proposals.
You read that correctly. 

The amendments passed because of more than a $100,000 being laundered from outside special interests and used to interfere with an election. And one of those money launderers is Danny Boy's own employer, MacIver. Of course, Danny Boy doesn't mention that tidbit. Telling the truth is not his job. In fact, it's anathema to what he gets paid to do. 

And as added bit of irony, the same people that were touting the passing of the amendments are also the ones whining about a late batch of absentee ballots in Milwaukee that helped pass an education referendum. Wait until they realize that this will become more and more of the norm due to their amendments. 

Just don't hold your breath for the Republicans to fix another mess they made.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

He's Not Even A Drag Queen

 If you listen to the right wing nut jobs, especially the ones in hate groups like Moms for Fascism or Proud Little Boys, you would think that every drag queen was a serial sexual predator of children and that every time a kid was victimized, it was by a drag queen.  Obviously, that is as far from the truth as anything.  

Take this lecher for example:

A former Fayette County deputy was arrested and charged with child sex crimes in McNairy County.

David Kelso, 30, is charged with contributing delinquency of a minor, incest, rape, and sexual battery by an authority figure.

On July 25 at 8:00 a.m., deputies received a child sexual assault report.

According to the affidavit, Deputies interviewed Kelso’s stepdaughter at the Selmer Carl Perkins Center, where she told deputies about sexual contact with her stepfather.

I don't know about you, but to me he seems much more likely to be one of those nut jobs than a drag queen.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

WISGOP Desperate Not To Face Another Fair Election


Meagan Wolfe courtesy of WEC

Ever since the 2020 presidential election, MAGAts and WISGOP, but I repeat myself, have been scapegoating Meagan Wolfe, administrator for the Wisconsin Elections Commission, for running a clean and fair election.

With 2024 fast approaching, the were bound and determined to get Wolfe out of there so that they didn't have to face another fair election.  They didn't want her there because, as we all know, when people are allowed to vote, Republicans lose.

So the MAGAt WISGOP thought they would be clever.  When Wolfe was nominated for another term as the WEC administrator, the Senate Republicans would shoot her down.  With her out of the way, they could put in one of their own people, who would make damn sure that the Republicans won in 2024, no matter how much they had to cheat.

But before Wolfe could be the nominated, she had to be approved by 4 of the six elections commission board members.  When it came time for them to vote, the three Republicans all voted for Wolfe.  

However, in a beautifully played counter to foil the MAGAt GOP, all three Democrats abstained, thus preventing Wolfe from being nominated.  Making the move even sweeter, per a State Supreme Court ruling in 2022, this meant that Wolfe would be the administrator indefinitely, until such time that she would withdraw her name or she gets the fourth vote and moved to the Senate for their consideration.

This left the GOP in conniptions.  They rattled their swords and made impotent threats of lawsuits.

However, on late Wednesday, the Senate Republicans just figured they would ignore the laws that they themselves had written and just consider Wolfe to be the nominee.  As pointed out earlier, she cannot be considered the nominee because she had not gotten the minimum four votes required.

The GOP's logic was as twisted as one would expect:

State law requires two-thirds of the six-member commission to nominate an administrator for a new term. But LeMahieu told reporters on Wednesday the commission's vote of three Republican members voting in favor of reappointing Wolfe and three Democratic members abstaining from voting at all qualified as a two-thirds vote.

"They could have voted no. They didn’t vote no. That would have been a tie vote. But it was a unanimous vote," LeMahieu said. "3-0 is a two-thirds vote."
Someone might want to cue LeMahieu and the other GOP that voting to abstain doesn't mean they did not vote and thus it was not an unanimous vote.  If the GOP ill-advisedly proceeds, you know this will end up in the courts.  Then Wolfe will still have her job and a chance for a nice little pay out to boot.

All because the GOP is really, really scared to face another fair and clean election.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Vos: Let Them Sell Cake!

Memberes of the Milwaukee Common Council had a few choise words for the local government funding bill that WISGOP is forcing down our throats, rightfully calling it "overreaching, micromanaging, and frankly racist." Proving that the truth hurts, Wisconsin Speaker of the Assembly Robin Vos had to show that he really is a racist little weasel with this response to the criticism:
Before the state Assembly went into session Wednesday, Vos said liberals "want race, color and gender to be a part of everything and almost mandated for what people should believe." 
"That's not what taxpayer dollars should be for," he said. "If you want to raise money in the private sector, if you want to have a bake sale or put money into your own ideology, you have every right to do that because we live in America. But it's not the right to use taxpayer dollars to try to push one ideology over another."
Um, no. Equality and respect are not ideologies. They are common courtesies and constitutional rights. Only a white supremacist and a bigot would think of equality and respect as an ideology. 

 There was no word if Vos donned his white hood before or after entering the chambers.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Worker's Memorial Day

 A day of mourning

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

It's A Nice Day For A Red Wedding

 It's already been quite the week, hasn't it?

Don Lemon got fired from CNN.

But that got quickly drowned out by the fact that Fox actually canned their sacred cash cow, Tucker Carlson!   This has led to an ongoing countrywide celebration. 

But don't feel bad for Carlson.  Word is that he already has a job offer from his friends at RT.  I think he'd be a natural fit there.

And just as people were catching their breath from all the dancing at Carlson's demise, news came out that the Aaron Rodgers trade with the JETS had finally gone through.  I joined all the other Wisconsinites in saying "We'll never forget you Karen!"  

And even though Rodgers just had his first news conference today, he's already in mid season form!

And all that happened just on Monday.

Other than that, not much else has been going on worthy of noting.

Except maybe that I'm back in action after a way too long hiatus.  But please be patient with me.  The format has really changed here and it's gonna take me a minute to figure out all these buttons and other doohickeys.

Also, while my focus will still be primarily on Wisconsin and Milwaukee, I will also be covering stories from elsewhere.  And, of course, I will still be writing at Crooks and Liars as long as they let me.

Make sure you update your readers and bookmarks.  Now, let's go cause some good trouble, and lots of it!

PS: This is for you, Jeff Simpson.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Lyin' Bryan Steil Is The Candy Corn Of Congress

 The campaign for Ann Roe, who is running for Congress against Lyin' Bryan Steil has come out with the best one-liner of this cycle so far:

I can't argue with that either.  He is unappealing, his positions leave a bad taste in the mouth and most people would rather have anything else.

But given that he is a full throated MAGAt, perhaps the next fundraising email should compare him to pumpkin spice.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Tiffany, Fitzgerald Compare Biden To Hugo Chavez

US Representatives Tom Tiffany and Scott Fitzgerald, both devout MAGAts and GQP, sent out a fundraiser letter in which they tried to compare Joe Biden to the late Hugo Chavez.

The report comes from James Wigderson at White Wisconsin, er, Right Wisconsin, who took over the site when Charlie Sykes left for the glamour and big bucks of national TV:

Congressmen Tom Tiffany (R-WI) and Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI) are asking for your money to prevent President Joe Biden from doing to America what Hugo Chavez did to Venezuela.

No, really. We can’t make this stuff up.

“It took Hugo Chavez years to push Venezuela’s once-prosperous economy to brink of collapse,” Tiffany and Fitzgerald wrote in an email to their fundraising list. “But just over 100 days into Joe Biden’s term, he and Nancy Pelosi’s ‘rubber stamp’ Congress are taking our country down that same dangerous road.”

The “road” the congressmen then describe is the shutdown of an oil pipeline due to cyberterrorism, which they claim is the fantasy of Biden, Pelosi, Michigan Governor Christine Whitmer and the rest of the Democratic Party.

“If they get their way, the gas lines and fuel shortages gripping parts of our country today could go national tomorrow,” Fitzgerald and Tiffany wrote.

Wigderson goes on to remind his readers of who Chavez was and what he did:

Let’s remember what Chavez actually did in Venezuela. He declared “economic war” on wealthy opponents, nationalized industries, used mobs to attack his opponents, violently suppressed the previously-free press, and arrested his critics. In addition, Chavez ran up deficit spending and instituted prices controls, resulting in shortages across the country (including food). In directing Venezuela’s foreign policy, Chavez preferred the support of dictatorships. At home, Chavez expressed his admiration for past dictators in South America and even employed Cuban and Peronist advisors.

Gee, doesn't that sound more like their beloved Trump than anyone else?

Obviously, Tiffany and Fitzgerald are hoping to appeal to their fellow QAnon conspiracy believers for cash.  Chavez is a popular bogeyman among that crowd since they believe that Chavez, who dies in 2013, was one of the lead culprits in "stealing" the election for Biden.

It's amazing how much cognitive dissonance they are willing to display so as not to upset their fragile sense of reality.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Grothman Again Blames Black Women For Decline Of American Society


Glenn Grothman once again brings shame to Wisconsin by attacking Black women, accusing them of the "moral decline of America."  This episode stems from Grothman going on the floor of Congress to blame rapper Cardi B for her performance in this year's Grammys award show, in which she performed her hit song 'WAP," saying that it was "inconsistent with basic decency.

Grothman has a long history of blaming everything on Black people, especially Black women.  In the past he's attacked Kwanzaa, said that Black women would rather have children out of wedlock because they wanted that sweet, sweet welfare check for a couple hundred bucks per month, and justified voting for some of the most oppressive voter suppression laws in the country because when people vote illegally, the usually vote for Democrats.

This time, it really turns out that Grothman put his foot in his mouth after stepping in a pile of dog crap.  He confessed that he hadn't even watched the performance by Cardi B until after his one minute tirade about how improper it was.  

To make things worse, Cardi B laid into him like he lays into a stack of free pancakes at a church festival. She tweeted this about Grothman:

and this: I would be remiss if I didn't also point out that Grothman is a full-fledged MAGAt.  And I feel it's safe to say that Trump and his supporters over the past five years have been a larger problem to American society than any other population of people in the nation's entire history.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Robin Vos - COVID Denier And Anti-Vaxxer


About this time last year, during the spring elections, Robin Vos was trying to convince people that it was perfectly safe to come out and vote in person despite the pandemic.  Of course, he muted his message considerably when he tried to do this while wearing full PPEs, despite the fact that he was not going to be in any contact with members of the public.

Fast forward to now and we see that Vos has become an anti-vaxxer. He put this picture up as his profile image:

Now that frame around Vos and his mistress-turned-third wife, which makes them resemble two turds in a toilet bowl, is a common one used by anti-vaxxers.

As he started to receive severe blow back on that, he tried to backpedal by adding the comment that "No one is saying you should not get vaccinated but the idea that after you are vaccinated that you still have to live in fear is what I am so frustrated by" [grammatical errors are his].

The Democrats were quick to jump on Vos for his anti-vaxxer stance and his hypocrisy:

“It is disappointing and embarrassing, yet not at all surprising, that Speaker Robin Vos is now spreading doubts about vaccines on Facebook. At every turn, Speaker Vos has sought to sabotage our state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and this latest erratic behavior is further evidence that nothing is off limits when it comes to Speaker Vos’s political games.

Melodie Conklin of the Wisconsin Examiner looked into it and found that Vos had managed to take a bad thing and make it worse by going back on Facebook and going on a screed, blaming 'hateful leftists':

“I can’t believe how liberals have to try and take everything and look for something negative to say.  I posted “I have an immune system” and they presumed I was saying it as a statement on vaccines. 

The reason I posted it was because I am incredibly frustrated that the goal posts keep moving and it’s not based on science. 

The message has been get the vaccine so we can return to normal but now they are saying restrictions have to remain in place for the foreseeable future?  Wear a mask outside?  Get a vaccine and you still have to shelter in place? 

How can many get behind policies that seem to never get us closer to a return to normal after over a year of data that shows many of the opinions have been wrong but not one official will ever admit that?

Meanwhile, his fellow Republican legislators and other Branch Covidians circled their wagons around Vos, taking things from worse to utter inanity, including this tidbit by fellow lawmaker State Rep. Tyler August;

Defending Vos, Speaker Pro Tem Rep. Tyler August (R-Lake Geneva) went for an atypical GOP talking point of science: The left complaining about @repvos stating a scientific fact that human beings have immune systems would be hilarious if it weren’t so ignorant of them. Humans do in fact have immune systems. #followthescience”

 Here's a news flash for Vos and August: Each and every one of the 7,400 Wisconsinites and half a million Americans who lost their lives because of the virus also had an immune system.  

Frickin' idiots.

Other Branch Covidians also chimed in with utter asinine comments such as how it's not really a vaccine but genetic manipulation.  I'm a little surprised he forgot about the 5G chip that Bill Gates had implanted along with the shot.

Sadly, there's more. There's always more.

Vos continued his screed, going from the inane to WTAF status:

Vaccines work by boosting the immune systems response to a virus.  If you don’t believe me look here –…/conv…/understanding-vacc-work.html

So for the Democratoc Party [sic] and all of the hateful leftists who felt the need to comment or send me a message, please know that your ignorance of how things work only causes more people to doubt the effectiveness of the COVID19 vaccine. 

Please – as I have said for months, consider the vaccine.  No one should force you to take it and I will never support that idea or a vaccine passport or work requirement.

I intend to get the vaccine.  I would appreciate people not commenting on why we shouldn’t get the vaccine or why you are a moron if you don’t.  

How about instead, if we respect each other enough to say it’s a personal decision and I’m good with whatever choice those I care about make?”

 That's the same argument he used against a statewide facemask mandate.  But I got some bad news for Vos.  It's not quite a personal decision as much as a socially responsible decision.  

If Vos was actually following the science, he would have known that the vaccine doesn't necessarily mean you can't catch the virus.  It simply to keep you from getting deathly sick, out of the hospital and off a ventilator.  But even getting mildly sick from the virus doesn't appeal to me, or I'd imagine to most people, in the least. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Hey Mom, I'm On The Radio!

 I'll be on the air with Tony Castaneda on WORT-FM out of Madison at about 8:30 AM.  If you're not near a radio or out of their broadcast range, you can catch it with their live streaming at their website. And if you can't catch it live, they have it in their archives for a couple of weeks.

We'll be discussing a sort of year in review for Wisconsin, especially about the Republican's failure to do one damn thing about the COVID-19 pandemic except for being obstructionists.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Republicans Demand Their COVID-mas Tree

Wisconsin Republicans have been having a conniption fit over the Holiday Tree for over a decade.  Before Scott Walker was elected, it was inclusively called a Holiday Tree.  When Walker was elected, he made a big deal of making sure people knew that he was changing the name to "Christmas Tree." When the current governor, Tony Evers, was elected, it went back to Holiday Tree. This, of course, sent Republicans into a frenzy.

This year, their faux outrage hit new levels when Evers announced that since the Capitol Building was closed to the public due to the COVID 19 pandemic, there would be no tree by any name this year.  The move makes sense.  Why go through the hassle and expense of finding the best tree, chop it down, move it to the Capitol Building, get it inside and erected and decorated if no one was going to be able to see it?

It makes sense, that is, unless you're a Republican.  State Rep. Paul Tittl and Shae Sortwell bought a cheap artificial tree and erected it on the ground floor of the Capitol.  It was promptly removed by statehouse operations workers because they did not have a permit for the display.

So Tittl bought another cheap artificial tree, which met the same fate as the first one.

Now Tittl has scheduled an event for this week to put up a third tree, decorate it and sing Christmas carols. All lawmakers, legislative aides and other statehouse workers are invited. Tittl claims to have applied for a permit this time, but the committee that would approve such permits and which is led by one of his Republican colleagues, won't be meeting again this year.

This would be hilarious in its pettiness if it wasn't so outrageous on two counts.

The first offensive thing about this scheduled event is that these same Republicans banned people from coming to the building in 2013 to participate in a Solidarity Singalong.  At the singalongs, people would sing union protest songs regarding ACT 10 and other anti-worker laws.

Republicans were so outraged by the singalongs, they ordered the Capitol police to arrest the participants.  The police were arrest everyone and anyone, including disabled vets and little old ladies.

This practice was later ruled in court as being unconstitutional.

The even more outrageous part of this whole debacle is that the Republicans have not met for over eight months to take any action on the COVID 19 pandemic. Nearly 4,500 people have died from the virus. The total number of confirmed cases is more than ten times that number.  But the Republicans did not deem it a problem worthy of their attention much less taking any action.

But not to have a Christmas tree that no one will even see?! That simply will not do! I'm surprised that they haven't contacted Trump to ask him to send in soldiers to protect their cheap tree.  They'll probably decorate the damn thing with ornaments that look like little COVID viruses.

It's good to know that we Wisconsinites are less important than a fake tree that started out as a pagan symbol and was taken when the Romans usurped Samhain as a holiday.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

RoJo Dons His Grinch Costume To Block Two COVID Relief Bills

Ron Johnson is having a helluva week and can't get enough of making an ass out of himself.

It started when he held a sham hearing about the elections, using debunked conspiracy theories to lay the groundwork for future voter suppression laws.  Then he couldn't decide whether he would keep a campaign pledge to retire at the end of this term or if he was going to run for reelection.

Now, just a week before Christmas, RoJo dons his Grinch costume and single-handedly blocked not just one, but two, COVID relief bills that would have sent $1,200 to Americans who made less than $75,000:
But Johnson warned that lawmakers were continuing to take a "shotgun approach" to coronavirus relief.

"By and large, the initial relief packages here were a shotgun approach. We had to move fast, we had to do something big, we had to make sure that markets wouldn't seize, that financial relief could be sent to people very quickly," Johnson said. "And so we passed over $3 trillion in financial relief. I knew it would be far from perfect. It was far from perfect, but now we've had far more time and anything we consider for this additional package that we’re considering now, that’s being debated, that’s being discussed, that’s being negotiated ought to be far more targeted."

Johnson said he instead supported a program targeted for small businesses.

"What I fear we're going to do with this bipartisan package and what the senator from Missouri is talking about is the same thing, is a shotgun approach," he said.
I'm more than a little surprised he wasn't pushing for another big tax cut scam for the wealthiest of the wealthy instead.

After all, this is the same doofus that said "stimulus bills don't stimulate the economy," and wanted to lower regulations and tax breaks.  

We all know how well that turned out, don't we?