Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yeah, About Those Peaceful Protesters...

Via Open Left and TPM, those "peaceful" protesters that don't want all people to have health coverage aren't so peaceful after all:

This goes along with local bloggers like Dad29 who can't seem to make it through the day without making some kind of veiled threat towards anyone that doesn't agree with them.

Zach at Blogging Blue has another example of a local blogger, with a long history of inappropriate and anti-social commentary continuing his streak.

In related news, I've noticed that the meme du jour for the right appears to be selective outrage about an upcoming editorial in which Nancy Pelosi is supposed to call the people who go to do nothing more than disrupt townhall meetings as "unAmerican."

If this is true, I would point out that this over-the-top type of rhetoric is totally uncalled for and inappropriate, just like when these same "protesters" declared anyone opposed to Bush's unjust war in Iraq as unAmerican.


  1. Wow your quite a collectivist. You think because there a a few people that are idiots that everyone is. I can point out the same stuff on the left.

    I guess you do what ever it takes to justify you point of view.

  2. You call me a collectivist, and then leave two more comments full of vast and overreaching generalities regarding liberals. I bet you don't even recognize your own hypocrisy.

  3. Your right. It's a hard habit to break.

  4. Translation: vast & overreaching = I dont understand / grasp what youre talking about
