Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Walker's Second Grand Irony Of The Month

Last week, Scott Walker committed an amazing feat of irony in which he proclaimed his respect for public sector workers after launching a full front assault on them, attempting to strip them of even the most basic rights.

But just when one thought he had reached the pinnacle of foolishness, he repeats the feat.

This time he declares Women's Health Week in Wisconsin, declaring that "women's health remains a priority for families, communities and government."

Amazingly, he did this with a straight face as well.

I was not the only one flabbergasted by his audacious act of absurdity.

Tanya Atkinson, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood, noticed this as well and issued a press release in response:
“At a time when women throughout Wisconsin are gravely concerned about what will happen to their own health and the health of their families, Governor Walker’s proclamation rings hollow.

“Governor Walker’s budget cuts fall on the backs of Wisconsin women and children. Forty percent of the Governor’s budget cuts are from programs that serve primarily women and children.

“The simple fact is, if women’s health were truly a priority for Governor Walker’s administration, he would not be gutting women’s health by eliminating state funding for the health care programs and community services that hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin women rely on everyday.

“Wisconsin women won’t be fooled by this. Governor Walker is saying one thing, but doing another when it comes to women and their health. For weeks women have been speaking out against Walker’s budget at hearings throughout the state and we will continue to work to restore funding for programs that truly protect our health and save our lives.”
The release goes on to list the many insults and assaults Walker has committed to the women of this state, including, but not limited to:

  • Eliminating $3.8 million from the family planning program, which helped pay for breast and cervical cancer screening;
  • Endangers the $11 million in federal aid which is aimed at helping with prenatal care, preventive care, health care for special needs children and lowering infant mortality;
  • Cuts Lab of Hygiene funding by more than a quarter of a million dollars, thereby denying cervical cancer screenings to uninsured women;
  • Cuts more than a half a billion dollars from Badger Care, which provides medical coverage for 686,000 Wisconsinites;
  • Attacks Income Maintenance Programs (something he has a history of having problems with) and;
  • Eliminates Family Planning services for men and all the related health problems.
I'm guessing that in the upcoming weeks, we will see Clean Drinking Water Appreciation Week, Natural Conservation Week, and Voting Integrity Week.


  1. Cog Dis YOU ARE THE KING!!!! Well said my man...I cringe to think of the other recognitions he is cooking up for us...they are truly the kiss of death.

  2. At least we know The Wanker will not have a Smart Republican Week or an Ethical GOP Day. The irony would simply be too much for the northern hemisphere to take.

  3. "Clean Drinking Water Appreciation Week,"

