By Jeff Simpson
Milwaukee County Sheriff:
* Earnell Lucas (Democrat)
Wisconsin State Assembly:
* Marisabel Cabrera (D) Assembly District 9 (Josh Zepnick Incumbent) @votemarisabel
* Representative David Bowen (D) - Assembly District 10 @davidfbowen
* Chris Rockwood (D) -Assembly District 14 (open seat) @RockwoodforWI
* Robyn Vining (D) - Assembly District 14 (open seat) @RobynforWI
* Lillian Cheeseman (D) - Assembly District 15 (Joe Sanfelippo - Incumbent) @WIlikescheese
* Representative David Crowley - Incumbent - 17th Assembly District. @RepDavidCrowley
* Representative Evan Goyke - Incumbent - 18th.
* Representative Jonathon Brostoff - Assembly District 19 @RepBrostoff
* Emily Siegrist (D) - Assembly District 24 (Dan Knodl- Incumbent) @Siegrist4WI
* Brittany Keyes (D) - Assembly District 31 (Amy Loudenbeck - incumbent)
* Dr. Katherine Gaulke (D) -Assembly District 32 (Tyler August - Incumbent) @Gaulke4assembly
* Brandon White (D) - Assembly District 33 (Cody Horlacher - Incumbent)
* Charisse Daniels (D) - Assembly District 37 (John Jagler - Incumbent) @voteforcharisse
* Elisha Barudin (D) - Assembly District 39 (Mark Born - Incumbent) @ElishaforWi
* Tyler Raley (D) - Assembly District 42 (open seat) @raley4WIAssembly
* Representative Mark Spreitzer - Assembly District 45 @markforassembly
* Gary Hebl - Incumbent - 46th Assembly District
* Representative Jimmy Anderson - 47th Assembly District @jimmyforassembly
* Melissa Sargent - Incumbent - Assembly District 48 @Repsargent
* Mike Mooney (D) - 49th Assembly District (Travis Tranel - Incumbent)
* Jeffrey Wright (D) -51st Assembly District (Todd Novak - Incumbent) @wrightforassembly
* Representative Gordon Hintz - 54th Assembly District @GordonHintz
* Representative Amanda Stuck - 57th Assembly District @RepStuckWI
* Dennis Degenhardt (D) - 58th Assembly District (Rick Gundrum - incumbent) @Degenhardtforassembly
* Chris Rahlf (D) - Assembly District 60 (Rob Brooks - Incumbent) @ChrisforWI
* Gina Walkington (D) - Assembly District 61 (Samantha Kerkman - Incumbent) @ginawalkington
* Representative Chris Taylor (D) Assembly District 76 @Christaylorwi
* Sheila Stubbs (D) - Assembly District 77 (Open seat) @sheilastubbsforassembly
* Representative Dianne Hesselbein - Assembly District 79 @rephesselbein
*Representative Dave Considine - Assembly District 81
* Erica Case (D) -Assembly District 84 (Mike Kuglitsch - incumbent) @Flynn4WI
* Alyson Leahy (D) - Assembly District 85 (Patrick Snyder - Incumbent) @alysonforwisco
* Elizabeth Riley (D) - Assembly District 87 (Jimmy Boy Edming - Incumbent) @Hellingaround
Wisconsin State Senate:
* Kyle Whelton (D) Senate District 9 (Devin LaMahieu -incumbent) @Kylewhelton
* Kriss Marion (D) - Senate District 17 (Howard Marklein - Incumbent) @Krissforwisconsinstatesenate
* Lee Snodgrass (D) Senate District 19 ( Roger Roth - Incumbent)
* Lori Hawkins (D) Senate District 21 (Van Wannggard - incumbent) @hawkinsforwi
* Jeff Smith (D) Senate District 31(open seat)
Wisconsin Gubernatorial Primary:
* Michael Crute @Cruteforwi
* Tony Evers @tony4wi
* Matt Flynn @ForwardWFlynn
* Mahlon Mitchell @MahlonMitchell
* Jeff Rumbaugh @JeffRumbaugh
* Kathleen Vinehout @VinehoutK
* Mike McCabe @BlueJensGov
* Andy Gronik @AndyGronik
US Senate:
* Tammy Baldwin @TammyBaldwin
The primary in Wisconsin is August 14th, and election day is November 6th.
Here is a partial list of people running to save the great State of WI. If you are not on here and are an incumbent or running against someone from the Fitzwalkerstan party, it means I was unable to find your name and information in a quick search (hint hint), so please either email me your info( or leave it in the comments, and I will continue to update this post.
For everyone else, I have tried to include links to the candidates facebook page, website and their twitter handle. Please add them/like them on social media, tell all your friends in their districts about them and possibly, pick one or two and send them a couple bucks.
We need a heavy dose of change in WI!
Friday, May 11, 2018
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