Saturday, July 21, 2018

Win By Any Method and At Any Cost?

Cathy Myers, who is running against Randy "IronStache" Bryce, to be the Democratic nominee for Wisconsin's First Congressional District, has run a very negative campaign for almost the entire duration.  Now, with only a few weeks to go until the August 14th primary, she has increased her negativity to a scorched earth campaign, not caring about anything but winning.  She and her campaign staff will smear Randy any and every chance they get, even if they have to make crap up to do so.

And I'm not the only one who has noticed this and found it to be a strong reason not to vote for her.

The following is an essay written by Chester Todd, Jr., who makes his own observations about the race and the different campaign styles of the two candidates.  I find it to be very well written and very eloquently stated, and is reproduced her with Mr. Todd's permission:
I would think some type of party reprimand should be in store for the Democratic Congressional primary candidate, Cathy Myers!

I am referring to the recent one-sided attack of Myers against her primary opponent, Randy Bryce, who is also running for the Congressional seat presently held by Paul Ryan.

Apparently, someone in Myers campaign investigated and exposed to the media, some personal business from candidate Bryce’s past pertaining to his legal dealings with another person. It is understandable that Myers wants to win; however, by any means necessary or should I say, victory at any cost?

Is it any wonder that the party has a tough time winning significant seats when some of their candidates are allowed to engage in such negative, internal traitorous behavior? Is there not such a thing as, party loyalty or integrity? Oh, and just to be clear, as of this moment, I personally, have not heard Mr. Bryce publicly or otherwise, throw any negatives at Myers, if he has and I missed it, I stand corrected.

Is winning the primary that important to Myers that she would put herself ahead of the best interest of the party?

Myers should consider, how could I or any solid liberal progressive, Black or otherwise, cast a vote in her direction knowing that she is this self-centered? If she will literally attempt to throw a fellow party member under the bus, then just think what she would do to a distant or dissatisfied constituent!

One of the main reasons Blacks do not vote in Mid-term elections is the matter of trust. Let there be no misunderstanding about what I am saying, up until now Blacks have never had anyone, running for an office of this magnitude, who has shown the amount of interest and empathy pertaining to issues affecting our life chances like Bryce, in fact, when compared to some candidates from either party, Randy is a rarity.

To be frank about what I am saying, I would be very reluctant to vote for someone who uses personal issues of this nature to go after their same party's primary opponent, especially in an election of this importance.

The way I see it, Democrats, poor, middle-class and beyond, need this seat and although I might have been misled on some of my choices in the past, of this I am sure, Randy Bryce is by far the best candidate in this primary and with all our help he will prevail and continue on to victory in the general election.

C.T. 7/20/18 Chester Todd’s One Black Man’s Opinion OBMO
Again, very well done, Mr. Todd. It's much better than I could or would have said. Thank you again for agreeing to share this with us.

If you live in this district, please give serious thought to voting for Randy Bryce.  And if you don't live in the district, or even if you do, please help support him so that we can gain this seat back for Wisconsin.


  1. Nicely written. Register, Get your free State ID, check your registration, and vote! I look forward to filling in the arrow pointing to Randy Bryce! Please do Not use the touch screen computer to vote as they are Hackable. Thanks

  2. I would vote for Bryce but don’t live in the district. I do wonder if this FCC complaint has some merit and may impact Bryce in the final campaing - if he wins the primary. Is this baggage going to significantly hurt him?

    1. Funny she took a $25 thousand loan from her campaign money Aug-28 -2017 .By Sept-08-2017 a House was sold to her. Sounds fishie.

  3. Has anyone asked where she's getting gufun to pay her bills, or where she got her startup funds? And does she have an aug court date?

    1. Yes she does. From what I hear. This is her ex bf taking her to court. Claim $9 grand.

  4. IDK about her, but her campaign manager has one this week.
