By Jeff Simpson
As this election season is coming to a frantic close, public education is still a top issue and we keep hearing that the current occupant of the Governors mansion is the "Education Governor".
Sometimes the evidence is so strong that it is hard to see. There is an exhibit 1, on how much of an education Governor that Scott Walker truly is along with the WISGOP, right in the small town of Darien, WI - population 1,580. While they still celebrate Cornfest(and who doesn't) one thing they no longer can celebrate is their local elementary school.
The only public school in Darien was recently closed.
The Delavan-Darien school board voted to close Darien Elementary School—the only public school in Darien—after the 2017-18 school year and approved 16 teacher non-renewals, bringing the total number of non-renewals to 39. This is after a $3.5 million referendum on the April 3 ballot, failed by more than 500 votes.While schools are closing all over, what makes this school closing so unique, is it is the district that our "education Governor" attended.
Now as he travels the state and, falsely claims that he spent record amounts of our money on public schools, he refuses to acknowledge this his own home district is in trouble. The record cuts to public education, along with record amounts funneled to his donors and friends in the private school voucher for profit industry, led by American Federation For Children - and formerly convicted felon Scott Jensen.
The buck has never once stopped at the Governors office and this time it truly does not stop there alone. Assembly District 31 Rep Amy Loudenbeck (R - Herding Goats). also likes to advertise her attempts at fighting for public education.
Rep. Amy Loudenbeck: “Madison politics can be a bit like herding goats. It’s hard to get everyone moving in the same direction, when everyone is talking at the same time and no one is really listening. I’m Amy Loudenbeck. Whether it’s fighting for quality health care options, increased funding for education, or more workers in our district; I’ll listen to your concerns and be your voice in Madison. It doesn’t matter what your breed of politics is, Wisconsin is better when we all work together.”I know it is silly season but we need to start holding politicians accountable for their actions and their votes. There are some major problems
1. fighting for quality health care options - By fighting for, she means turning down a billion dollars in medicaid money to help insure fellow Americans.
2. Increased funding for education - By fighting for here, she means voting for the budgets that cut public education more than any state in the country and more than any time in Wisconsin history.
3. More workers in our district - By fighting for here, she means overseeing 8 years of multiple business closings, almost 500 dairy farms closing and dead last in small business start ups.
With friends like this.....
But wait there is more, there is always more.
What else is in Ms. "fighting for funding for education" Loudenbeck's district? The shuttered Darien elementary school and 40 laid off teachers. Luckily for the children of our state, while most other school districts in her district have had to go to referendum to survive(because Amy appears to be losing that fight) and many of these districts soundly support their local public schools.
Why is Ms. Loudenbeck losing the battle for more education funding? Maybe it is by design, since a major funder of her campaign is the aforementioned American Federation for Children. If you are going to be in the WISGOP, you do NOT cross Scott Jensen.
That is why it is IMPERATIVE that we change the culture and the leadership in Madison.
If you care at all about public education and do not want to see your local school next, please join me in voting for Tony Evers/Mandela Barnes.
However it can not stop there. We need to send him a legislature that actually wants to govern. We need to start voting out the false friends of education and vote in real public servants!
That is why I also implore you to vote for Dr. Brittany Keyes from Beloit.
Keyes, 31, has worked as a physical therapist for Beloit Health System since 2015. Her practice has an emphasis on sports injury rehabilitation. She provides medical coverage at area high school sporting events and is in her third season as a volunteer assistant coach for the junior varsity football team at Beloit Memorial High School. She serves as strength and fitness coach for the team.It is time the 31st Assembly district was actually represented by someone who wants to do what is best for the people in her district and not whatever Robin Vos tells her to do. Imagine if the 31st had a representative in Madison, who actually wanted you to have heath care and fully funds our local schools.
She was captain of the rowing team at the University of Iowa and was first team All-Big Ten in 2008. She won a variety of sportsmanship and academic awards from the Big Ten. She was a bronze medalist in the USA Weightlifting National Collegiate Championships in 2009.
Keyes is a founding board member of a Stateline area food cooperative and has an extensive record as a volunteer for various organizations during the last decade.
She is married to a teacher and the couple has a young daughter.
“Wisconsin needs people in the Assembly who will work for us, not the political donors,’’ Keyes said. “I have a young family and I want to make Wisconsin the best place possible for all families.’’
You can make it happen on Tuesday, November 6th, with a vote for Dr. Brittany Keyes!
Please like her Facebook page and check out her endorsement in the right leaning Beloit Daily News.
If you have a couple hours, or a couple bucks in the next week, please give Dr. Keyes some help.
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