We recently went through a time where The Donald ever so slightly, walked up to the edge of calling for the assassination of Hillary Clinton but once he showed his cards, he stopped because he got his message across.
As George Lakoff points out, Trump did not accidentally say anything or get close to the line. The Donald knew exactly what he was saying all along.
Why bring that up again? Because Mr. Trump is not part of the alt-right like our friends on the right keep trying to pass him off to be. As our friends at Watchdog.org and Jimmy Wigderson show us, The Donald is very much part of mainstream GOP and not the only one who can call for an assassination of their political enemies.
See Jim wrote a story about Tony Evers, who recently gave a State of the State of education speech to a forum on public education in Wauwatosa. In his speech, Superintendent Evers pointed out some of the pratfalls and problems of ACT10.
No one is allowed to criticize ACT10 and James Wigderson sent that message loud and clear:
GET YOUR GUN: Superintendent Evers on competition for teachers: “It’s the wild west out there.”
There is Superintendent Evers - fellas GET YOUR GUNS!
No sooner did Wigs put that up online, and some of his followers heard the dog whistle.
What a total loser. join his club blasska.