Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Vice-Presidential Debate

My friend, Elliot Stearns, went out on a limb (hard to do in a wheelchair, I presume) to predict that tomorrow night's debate will be highly watched.

He's probably right. And as one of his commenters, Nick Schweitzer, pointed out, the Obama people will say that Biden won, and the McCain people will say that Palin won.

You can see the maneuvering by both camps, as the Democrats are building up her skills as a debater, and the Republicans are trying to bury the bar.

Despite her horrible showing in the three interviews she has done so far, I think she will do OK. While Biden has been either campaigning or rushing to Washington to vote on the "Give the bankers all of our money" bill, she has been sequestered in Arizona with all of McCain's lobbyists advisers, drilling for the debate.

I'm sure that they are having her memorizing answers by rote, based on what the likely questions are. As long as they don't get thrown a curveball, she will present herself somewhat adequately, even if her answers are exactly pertinent to the question.

Just as long as they don't ask her any tough ones, like what newspapers she reads.

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