Friday, March 25, 2011

Indiana: Home of the Outside Agitator

One of the stories of the day is about the Indiana deputy prosecutor and Republican activist who resigned from his job after being caught emailing some rather questionable advise to Scott Walker:
Carlos F. Lam submitted his resignation shortly before the Center published a story quoting his Feb. 19 email, which praised Walker for standing up to unions but went on to say that the chaos in Wisconsin presented "a good opportunity for what's called a 'false flag' operation." 
"If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions' cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions," the email said. 
"Currently, the media is painting the union protest as a democratic uprising and failing to mention the role of the DNC and umbrella union organizations in the protest. Employing a false flag operation would assist in undercutting any support that the media may be creating in favor of the unions. God bless, Carlos F. Lam."
Those comment immediately bring to mind the admission by Scott Walker, in a phone conversation with whom he thought was David Koch, that his administration had actually considered using planted operatives to pose as union-friendly protesters.  Said operatives would then cause some sort of mayhem in an effort to discredit the protesters.  It also brings to mind the unexplained ammo that was mysteriously "found" around the Capitol Building on one day.

It also appears that Mr. Lam might have another issue besides a lack of political savvy.  In a grand find by The Political Carnival, it appears Mr. Lam might have some racist issues to resolve as well.

However, it should further be noted that Mr. Lam does not score any points for uniqueness or even for being first.  Jeff Cox, a former deputy attorney general for the State of Indiana, had already been fired for making a most egregious tweet of how the authorities should use live ammo on the Madison protesters.

The most disturbing part for me is not the inappropriate comments.  After all, there is a troll that has regularly been threatening me and fellow lefty bloggers for some time now.  What is more disturbing that the level that the Republicans will stoop to is the fact that these two were actually prosecuting attorneys and should really be above this sort of thing.  After all, isn't their job to uphold the law?


  1. Of course these tqwo idiots are out of a job.
    Would the left have the same standards when they threaten to kill Walker or incite violence? I suspect not.
    And if you ever find out who is threatening you or other lefties, I hope you name them and then those of us who do care, will let our readers what an ass that person is.

  2. Actually, if they were liberals, they'd probably be cooling their heels in jail.

  3. Exactly right capper.


  4. Why waste the time and money recalling Stone? Defeat him in April. Then defeat him again when he runs for re-election next year.
