Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Republican Recall Irony Abounds

Thanks to their bullying tactics and their great overreach, the Republicans have gotten themselves in one heck of a political jam.  They woke the sleeping giant and have set off a chain of events that they have no control over, no matter how hard they try.

Instead of doing what they had promised, which was creating jobs, they have spent the last three months launching one offensive against the people of Wisconsin after another.  They are trying to take away the rights of workers.  They are trying to take away the right to vote from the poor, minorities and college kids.  They are trying to sell off all of our assets to their equally greedy campaign contributors and special interest buddies.  They are trying to take away the help that our most vulnerable citizens need just to survive.

In response, the people became quite understandably angry, and showed up in the hundreds of thousands at the Capitol Building, day in and day out, for over six weeks and counting, to let the political leaders know that they were going down the wrong path.  Instead of listening to the people, much less reaching out and working with them, the Republicans decided to try to take away our constitutional rights of free speech and the right to assemble.

The people decided that if the elected officials weren't going to listen to them, it was time to find politicians that would. And thus, the eight eligible Republican senators found themselves suddenly facing recall attempts.  The Republicans tried to play tit for tat, and started on their own, but by all reports, don't seem to be doing so well.

The spill over is going all over the state's politics as well.  Representative Jeff Stone, who had thought he'd just stroll into the position of Milwaukee County Executive on Scott Walker's coat tails, made the politically fatal decision of supporting Walker.  Now he is doing so bad that even Charlie Sykes gave up on him.  Likewise, Supreme Court Justice David Prosser is facing the very real possibility of being unseated next week.

Facing this sudden groundswell of grass roots opposition, the Republicans have resorted to their favorite maneuver.  They've circled the wagons and have launched an all out campaign of fear and smear, with a liberal dose of hypocrisy.

Case in point is an email from WISGOP, in which they announce a new website. This one is ironically called the "The Recall Integrity Center," and is to serve people "unfairly targeted by the far left."  As you can plainly see, they're setting the stage to scare the bejeebus out of their own people, and get them seeing problems where none exist.

But the letter itself is just as ridiculous.  Here is the letter, with my interjections added:
Dear Fellow Conservative,

Our Republican Senators have had to endure harassment at their homes, vandalism to their property and even death threats. The union bosses want to see them punished for standing up for us – Wisconsin taxpayers.
Wait! They try to take our away our rights and feedoms, but they're the victims? How does that work?
Democrat aggression has now turned on private Republican citizens. Liberal special interests from around the country are pouring money and manpower into our state. Their operatives will do anythingto see Republicans recalled, and to protect the Democrats from recall who ran away from their jobs.
Yeah, this is coming from the group that used money from the Koch brothers to brink in a group of professional recallers from Utah.
These operatives are out in our communities right now, working to intimidate us and get us to back down from supporting Governor Walker.  The bullying has to stop. It’s time to hold these people accountable.
I wonder if they are referring to the guy in River Falls who grabbed a clipboard full of petitions from a person working on the Sheila Harsdorf campaign and then threw them into a puddle of water.  To top it off, this fool then resisted arrest and screamed police brutality until his wife told him to knock it off.
We’ve created The Recall Integrity Center to do just that. The online center,www.RecallIntegrityCenter.com, will serve as a clearinghouse for citizen complaints, documenting abuse and holding abusers responsible.  The site allows citizens to submit written testimonies and video of abuse directed at them because of their conservative values or because they participate in recall efforts against Democrat Senators. Incident reports will be posted on the site, so that we can expose the corrupt behavior coming from the left.

The Recall Integrity Center is your resource to report threats to the integrity of our recall efforts and expose those responsible. We can protect our fellow conservatives, our communities, and the Democratic process. Visit the Recall Integrity Center today.
I just happen to have someone I could report to this center. It's a person who is as corrupt as they come and has personally suggested in tampering with our right to recall maleficent and abusive politicians.  It's Senator Scott Fitzgerald who has suggested tampering with the recall laws to make it more difficult.  As an added dose of irony, it was also Fitzgerald who said this:
"Yeah, I mean, I've always been a believer that recall probably would be more appropriate if a legislator was involved in some type of, you know, either criminal activity, or something that could be deemed, you know, unethical," said Fitzgerald. "Not related to simply taking a stance on a tough vote. And you know, I think there's other legislators that feel that way as well."
Oh, really?

Just remember this stuff when you're out campaigning.  The vast majority people will be OK and some will be nice to you, but you will occasionally run into one of these crackpots.


  1. The republicans have a lot more than liberals to be afraid of. They need to fear conservatives like me as well. In fact I'm so pissed off I think I'll form my own support group. I'll call it "Gun loving conservatives with liberal tendencies" our motto will be: "Guns are just as useful for liberal causes as they are for conservative causes!"

  2. If you think that the situation has devolved to the point of requiring violence, or the threat of violence, you are gravely mistaken.
