It's good to see Abele taking some right-minded stances. It's a refreshing breath of fresh air after the noxious fumes coming from Walker and his squadron of flying monkeys.
Meanwhile, in the mailbox this afternoon was a flyer from Stone, who apparently can't even drum up enough support for a TV commercial yet.
In this flyer, Stone/Walker writes (emphasis his):
"As a State Representative for 12 years and a former Greenfield Alderman I understand how government can and should work for the people."Let's call that Lie #1, shall we? Unless he is blind and deaf and as stupid as a fence post, he couldn't have helped but notice that the people were outside his office for the past three weeks telling him what to do, which he not only willfully failed to do, but did so in a legally and ethically questionable way.
He then follows up with this tax wasting plan to sell the county out to the highest bidder (Koch anyone?):
Each of the major expense areas of the County budget will be thoroughly evaluated by an independent third party. This will be done in an open and transparent manner with the recommendations being fully evaluated by a team of business and community leaders.Gee, those audits sound awfully much like what Walker promised to do eight years ago, but never did. Instead, he went straight to selling off county assets, neglecting the ones he kept and raising our taxes. And Stone wants to be just like Walker?!
On the back, Stone shows how out of touch he is by having photos of him with Ron "Where's Washington DC" Johnson and Alberta "Golf Course Gerty" Darling. Apparently Stone is not aware of the Recall Alberta Darling movement that's already exceeding even their wildest expectations.
Stone is clueless and out of touch, and quite frankly, Milwaukee County can't afford another career politician turned corporate shill.
"Business and community leaders"? Why doesn't he just be honest and say that he is going to let the Wisconsin Manufacturors and Commerce make all of the decisions?