It was a move that people have been encouraging me to take for months, but one which I have been loathe to make.
Sadly, reality has had other things in mind.
Because the Freedom of Speech isn't free after all and because it has been decided that I really don't need twenty percent of my pay (because there are starving millionaires out there that need that money more than my family) or my rights, things are getting pretty difficult to maintain around here. Add to that that this old computer that I'm banging away on is getting awfully long in the circuit board and I would like to eventually set up this blog as a stand alone site, among the other mundane factors of life, well, it became all too obvious something's got to give.
Hopefully that will be you, gentle reader.
So if you're a progressive and appreciate the information and entertainment I provide, hopefully you'll be able to find some spare money to help me out.
Likewise, if you're a conservative, you could donate and give me gas money to go up north more often and away from the keyboards.
Or for either side, any money you give could keep me from resorting to a second job as a Chippendale dancer, something the entire world would thank you for.
And if someone would happen to know George Soros, since the right wing is always mewling about how he throws his money to liberal causes, maybe you could point this out to him too.
Thank you in advance for any help you could give.
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