Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wisconsin Better Off Than Nevada?

Commenter Blogger Dan from Nevada often likes to tell us how much better things are in Nevada, since he doesn't have to pay as high as taxes as we do, since the gambling joints keep things afloat. Unfortunately for Dan and his other Nevadans, this is no longer necessarily true.

In a story about six of the worst off states (Wisconsin is not among them, belying all the belly aching from the right), Nevada makes the cut:

State deficit estimate for fiscal 2010: $1.2 billion
Percent of general fund budget: 32%
State and local tax burden: 6.6%; Rank: 49

Nevada's freewheeling, low-tax past is coming back to haunt it like a bad hangover. The state levies no personal income tax and imposes some of the lowest taxes on businesses in the nation, says Bert Waisanen, a fiscal analyst at the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Nevada used to be able to afford being so generous with its residents. Revenue from tourism and gambling supported the state just fine. But now, as consumers would rather put their coins in a bank account than a slot machine, that revenue source is drying up. In fact, the state boasts the dubious honor of having the largest deficit in the country as a percentage of its budget – 32%. It's hiked the sales tax by 0.35% to 6.85% and taxes on hotel rooms are up 3%. It's even gambling with its business-friendly climate by raising taxes on businesses.

There's always room here in Wisconsin, Dan. And we have seasons, too!


  1. First correction, capper, we do have 4 seasons. Our Fall and Spring are quite wonderful and we did have 1 day of winter this year. :)
    But, you are correct sir, things are not good in Nevada right now. The casinos and other entertainment industries are hurting badly. Then you combine that with the housing crisis caused by greedy and stupid banks and customers and it became a perfect storm and because of this tax revenues to the County and State are way down. Now, you can get a condo or house that used to cost $400,000 for $90,000.
    Here is the difference between Wisconsin and Nevada. In Wisconsin, they want to raise taxes and continue to spend money. In Nevada, they actually cut spending in almost every area. Yes, the Democrats did raise taxes slightly and I really don't fault them for that. Unions have helped out
    Things are going to get tougher, no doubt about that. I guess our State and local government is more like Scott Walker than Jim Doyle.
    But things are not lost. Our school district in Vegas is the only large school district in the nation to pass the No Child Left Behind, individual income tax is still does not exist, crime is fairly low in most areas, Vegas is still a cheap place to go and vacation and cost of living is still fairly low, compared to other urban areas.
    So, come on out capper, and I'll show you a good time.

  2. p.s.
    What are elbow straws, as mentioned in your blog descripition?

  3. Elbow straws are the same as flex straws.

    No thanks on the invite. I'll stay and enjoy services. At least I'll know I'll get health care services.

  4. True, capper, but enjoy your weather tomorrow and Wednesday. While we will be about 100 or a little more, we have no humidity. Also, no mosquitoes, gnats and other bugs. Ok, we have large cockroaches that roam outside and scorpions, but no humidity. I'll take that any day.

  5. We only have it for two days. You have it for the whole year. We do have them dang skeeters, etc., but we also have trees, grass, flowers, etc. and lots and lots of water.

  6. Umm, capper, we also have trees and flowers. And no, the how weather only lasts about 2-3 months and then it is from the 60-80 degress mark during the Spring and Fall..
    As for water, we do have natural and man made lakes. Not like Wisconsin, mind you, but we do have them. Of course, we will run out of water in a few years, but who cares, this is Vegas, baby!
