The local daily paper reports on it this morning, and gets this silly comment from Scott Walker, who's real busy campaigning up north:
Walker said giving the County Board power to fire top county administrators "is probably one of the scariest things taxpayers could hear." He said it was the board's revisions of his budgets that have caused problems.Oh, really? Let's check on that, shall we?
Oops, looks like he lied again:
In fact, that was also the only year that the County didn't have the usual midyear fiscal crisis that Walker's budgets are known for.Darn right, said three county supervisors, Richard Nyklewicz Jr., Roger Quindel and John Weishan Jr. All pointed out that Walker vetoed the entire 2007 county budget, which was overridden by the County Board. That should deny him any bragging rights for the surplus, the supervisors said separately.
Furthermore, it was a board-led move to recraft the county's health insurance that provided such a windfall in savings that it offset other departmental deficits for '07, said Nyklewicz, the County Board's finance commitee chairman.
Why is Walker still talking?
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