Saturday, June 6, 2009

CRG: Crazy Rightwing Goofs

CRG is having a real hard time finding any credibility right now with people of all political persuasions.

First, several months ago, they make a grandiose statement about wanting to recall Governor Jim Doyle. The latest that I've seen about that is that they are still several thousands short of the volunteers they need. To show how lame their attempts are, they are holding volunteer recruiting drives at Fun World of all places. Apparently all of the Chuck E. Cheese's were booked.

At the rate they are going, they will have enough volunteers to do a recall sometime in 2018. Seriously, by the time they might have enough volunteers, it will be too late to be effective. They will need sixty days to gather the signatures, if they can even do that. Given their lack of volunteers, I would highly doubt they will get anywhere near the number of signatures.

But even if they somehow manage to get enough valid signatures, by the time they are counted, verified, and have gone through all the challenges, it will be so close to election time that it won't happen before the election. But I'm all for their efforts. The more time and money that people waste on this futility, the less there will be for the future Republican nominee, Mark Neumann.

Now, these same goofs have announced that they want to recall State Senator Jim Sullivan. Their rationale is that Sullivan voted for the smoking ban. There are several facts that show that this is just a convenient excuse for the right wing front group.

First, the person leading this charge of the light-headed brigade is none other than a legislative aide for State Representative Pridemore. That is a dead giveaway that this is nothing more than political posturing for the Republicans which have their backs to the ropes in the last couple of election cycles.

Secondly, this is the only recall they are holding regarding the smoking ban. Several communities around the state have had already implemented their own smoking bans. (And their businesses are thriving, thank you very much.) But there have been no calls for a recall in any of these communities, including the City of Wauwatosa itself.

Nor have they called for the recall of any other legislator who voted for this bill which was passed in a bipartisan vote. Why just Sullivan? Is it because he is a Democrat that was duly and legally elected in a win over the corrupt and insane Tom Reynolds? Is it because, like with the Ament recall, they have a puppet candidate that will try to give contracts to Six Sigma?

Who knows what their real reason for this recall attempt is? The two things that are for certain, is that they are not doing it because of a smoking ban and they are not for a responsible government.


  1. Nice job at trying to cut down a group because of where they had a meeting. They are taking meeting places that they can get for free or as close as possible. Sorry they don't have the financial baking many of the large political groups do.

    This group may have a few republicans in it, but many of us think both sides of the politician spectrum stink. They're both just selling us into tyranny, and it's time to stop them.

  2. This group has been a dishonest farce since the beginning. They used an old man as a poster boy, and the man didn't even live in Milwaukee or Wisconsin!

    And if they were concerned about that, why did they try to get an office in a government building while selling said government a business paradigm that one of their leaders were hawking?

    This group is a bunch of hucksters, and you are drinking their snake oil.

  3. Are you sure you're not writing for the Republican Party? You have made the exact same claims as them re. the recall effort! This is a NONpartisan effort by the grassroots, not by party leaders (of any party), which ignore us. We are doing pretty darn good considering the media is ignoring us! We are getting volunteers strictly by word-of-mouth, and the word is spreading!

    Why do you think Doyle's popularity is only 34%? (Or is your head so off in the clouds you didn't know that?) Maybe because WI has the HIGHEST PER CAPITA deficit in the whole USA? (Or didn't you know that either?) Did you ever stop to think, no society ever yet TAXED its way to prosperity?

    But I'm glad you take this line, as your shock will be all the sweeter to see when we actually do the recall!

  4. If you believe CRG is nonpartisan, you are very gullible. Of course that could explain why you would support them.

    If they were living up to their name, they would have already recalled Walker.
