After spending more than $7 million dollars in about three months, of drinking and spreading falsehoods, Scott Walker packed up his 0.0% support and went back to Wisconsin with his tail between his legs. The one thing he brought back with him though, (was not his dignity that was long gone) but yet another million plus dollars of debt.
When your accomplishments are few and far between, and you have massive debt, actually paying a bill is a big deal and worthy of a press release.
However, like most things Scott Walker, things are not as we are told. See he did not actually pay down all of his debt, he reneged on his contracts and screwing his vendors out of money they earned(earned being a stretch since they helped him reach an approval rating of 0%).
That, or a group of political consultants have been overcharging everyone else on the campaign trail!
Here is a list of them, with how much they have excused, or been screwed out of, their original bill. I highly recommend that if anyone in the political world has hired these firms, they are obviously up for renegotiating a lower price or else have massively over billed you. '
In addition, Walker got a hand out of debt from 10 consultants who wrote off about $40,600 owed by the former presidential candidate.
In a filing with the Federal Elections Commission, Walker's campaign said it had reached settlements with 10 vendors in which they agreed to accept less than the full amount owed to them to ensure they got some payment as soon as possible.
In all, the 10 vendors were owed $374,100, but accepted payment of $333,500:
* Tusk Productions (a fundraising firm that could not raise enough to pay themselves) accepted a $3,800 cut.
* Superior Strategies accepted a $5,100 cut.
* Shirley and Banister Public Affairs accepted a $1,600 cut.
* Sharp Politics accepted a $6,000 cut.
* Prospect Strategic Communications accepted a $3,200 cut.
* Maverick Finance (another fundraising firm that failed)accepted a $1,000 cut.
* Maseng Communications accepted a $2,500 cut.
* Just Win Strategies(insert own joke here) accepted a $5,000 cut.
* Ground Game Strategies accepted a $2,500 cut.
* Drucker Lawhon accepted a $10,000 cut.
What is also interesting, is while firms he worked with had to eat about 41k of unpaid bills, Walker has $59000 in the bank still(you do that math).
What I find curious is how can you hire ten different firms that all do the same thing, help promote your big and bold reforms, and when you take your show on the road you sink faster than a Wisconsin Cheese log.
What I am not the least bit surprised about, of the $8 Million dollars spent on campaigning in three months, none of it was in Wisconsin.
As the Wisconsin long term debt account has found out, Mr. Walker has never been very good with numbers. Unfortunately, our children will find that out the hard way!
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