By Jeff Simpson
This week's right wing roundup!
1. Ron Kind has a new opponent - Steve Toft. While I am not a huge fan of Kind, the guy the Republicans found to turn the 3rd Congressional District, flip flopped more times in his original story than Mitt Romney.
No one party is to blame, despite the fact that only one party is in control. The best way to fix that is to get rid of the opposition party and keep the same party in control. The logic hurts my head. I do agree with him that career politicians are a problem, well I believe they are - Toft not so much. Here is what he had to say about a Congressman that has a total of two years less in Congress than Kind.
Steve Toft, 59, said the nation is facing “challenges of epic proportions” because of “top-heavy agencies” and skyrocketing debt.
“No one party is fully to blame,” Toft said. “But Ron Kind and career politicians like him are part of the problem.
Toft said he supports the president though he doesn’t agree “with everything that President Trump stands for” and “won’t just line up behind him.” He said he is also confident in the leadership of Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.PS: Speaking of career politicians - Mitch McConnell was elected to the Senate in 1984.
“He’s been a great American statesman from the state of Wisconsin,” he said of Ryan, who has been in office since 1999. “He’s been in Congress quite a while himself, but he’s a leader.”
Maybe that WISGOP bench is not so strong after all.
2. Speaking of Northern, WI. One way that many small towns in Wisconsin are dealing with the WISGOP and Scott Walker public service starvation plan, is to allow paved roads to go back to gravel.
3. Lane Davis (33) Huge Trumper, former Milo Intern and conspiracy theorist and hater of all things liberal, snapped and killed his dad for being a "leftist". Since he was actually living in his parents basement now he needs to find new digs.
In the town of Lakeside in Douglas County, Town Chairman Tom Johnson said he talked to a contractor six years ago about resurfacing his community's paved roads.
"They said we can’t resurface," Johnson said. "It would have to be reconstructed."
Lakeside didn’t have the money to rebuild. Since then, Johnson said his town has turned 4 miles of old blacktop into gravel.
"We won’t have any blacktop roads in the Town of Lakeside in a couple years," Johnson said.
Conditions on state highways have also been getting worse in just the past five years, according to the audit, and the proportion of Wisconsin highways in good condition is considerably lower than in other Midwestern states.
When it comes to rebuilding damaged roads, gravel is cheaper than pavement up front, but a gravel road’s maintenance costs are much higher.
Lane had spent that Friday morning as he did most mornings, on the internet. This day, like the others, Lane read and retweeted posts celebrating the Second Amendment, bemoaning diversity, and spreading conspiracy theories that alleged Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was involved in a child sex ring and DNC staffer Seth Rich had been murdered. It was the end of a busy week during which he contributed to the Donald Trump subreddit, and over on The Ralph Retort, a fringe blog where he worked as apolitical editor, (unpaid, according to the site’s owner), he had celebrated the idea of a Kid Rock Senate run, claimed America was under threat of Sharia law, and wondered whether CNN was “literally ISIS.”“We’re trying to but he’s chasing us around the house,” she replied. “He’s mad about something on the internet about leftist pedophiles and he thinks we’re leftist and he’s calling us pedophiles. And I don’t know what all.”How much blood do the right wing hate mongers of talk radio have on their hands?
4. Its not like The Donalds administration has not left our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico stranded. They gave a $300 Million contract to rebuild, to two guys from Montana who are good friends with interior secretary Ryan Zinke.
For the sprawling effort to restore Puerto Rico’s crippled electrical grid, the territory’s state-owned utility has turned to a two-year-old company from Montana that had just two full-time employees on the day Hurricane Maria made landfall.
The company, Whitefish Energy, said last week that it had signed a $300 million contractwith the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority to repair and reconstruct large portions of the island’s electrical infrastructure. The contract is the biggest yet issued in the troubled relief effort.
5. At the Republican Convention, all of that faux populism was too much for the politicians like Paul Ryan. They needed a nice plush space to get away from the riff raff.
Seems that the insiders needed a spot to get away from the white out! Some of our favorite corporations rushed to their aide!
Donald Trump declared last year in his populist presidential nominationacceptance speech that he is “not able to look the other way” when the nation’s political system “has sold out to some corporate lobbyist for cash.”
But behind the scenes, several major corporations and trade groups secretly bankrolled a plush hideaway for lawmakers at the same Republican National Convention in Cleveland where Trump gave the speech, records obtained by the Center for Public Integrity show.
Comcast Corp., Microsoft, Koch Companies Public Sector, the National Retail Federation, Health Care Service Corp., the American Petroleum Institute, Chevron and AT&T are among the companies, associations and lobbying powerhouses that funded a limited liability company called Friends of the House 2016 LLC, according to bank records.
That company in turn paid for the design and outfitting of the cloakroom, an exclusive office, lounge and gathering space for Republican lawmakers including House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.
It is hard to look away when you are getting wined and dined for free in a massive room like this:
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