Thursday, January 4, 2018

My New Years Resolutions!

By Jeff Simpson

1.  I will resolve to continue to fight for public education.  There is now, more then ever, a concerted effort to profit off of public education.  With sham "non-profit" organizations like Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty(for some) and extremist propaganda blogs like Right Wisconsin , mediatrackers, Maciver, and the inexplicably employed Christian Schneider continue to not only have a forum but are also treated as legit news sources by our statewide media.   We will continue to bring you the unadulterated facts and point out the spin and the lies. 

2.  We will also continue pointing out the hypocrisy, blandness, sucking up and ignoring of the facts of the Wisconsin media.   While many of them are good people, and occasionally stumble upon a real story, they have also buckled under the pressure of our friends mentioned above, and have been scared to do much real reporting on the state takeover of the Republican party.

3.    I also resolve to focus my energies on getting rid of the worst offenders and dead weight in Wisconsin politics.  Special focus on the biggest offenders - Scott Walker, Paul Ryan, Robin Vos, Dale Kooyenga, Leah Vukmir, Scott Krug, among many others.   

4.  While I also resolve to focus almost exclusively on Wisconsin politics and happenings, I also resolve to never call the imbecile in the White House the President.  He will always be referred to as "the Donald". 

5.  I also resolve to stay out of the first Congressional Race.  I like and dislike things about both candidates so I will let the people of the 1st CD decide who they want to represent them.  I will however not stay away from writing about how bad Paul Ryan(R-Wall St.) is, even though it is low hanging fruit, there is so much bad to report on.

6.  I resolve to continue to hold the Democratic party, Democratic candidates and others in public service accountable, who are supposed to be and have to be better than the members of the WISGOP.

7. I resolve to continue the political conversation with everyone of all stripes and opinions respectfully.  I resolve to give all candidates the respect they deserve and let everyone who has the guts and gumption to put their name on the ballot.    I also resolve to look at candidates financial reports the same way I look at standardized tests scores of schools - with disdain.

8.   Finally, I resolve to continue using less of everything, shopping local when possible, drinking only WI craft beers, eating better, turning out lights, and doing everything I can to lower my carbon footprint! 

What are yours? 

1 comment:

  1. Jeff vows to continue to fight efforts to "profit off public education."

    Tell that to the Milwaukee public school superintendent who "approved $100,000 in raises for 23 administrators, including a $17,600 boost for one, without running them by the school board, in the latest budget that included cuts in classroom programs and minuscule raises for teachers ..."
