Saturday, March 31, 2012

Republicans Start Circling Their Wagons

The Republicans are nervous. Very nervous.

With the corrupt Scott Walker, the inept Becky Kleefisch and four senators at risk of recall, they are starting to sweat. Even the pompous ass Scott Fitzgerald is showing signs of the tension, judging by the sudden dropping of responsibilities in Madison.

Perhaps the spot they are weakest is up north, in the district once represented by Pam "Annie Get Your Gun" Galloway, who left the Republicans high and dry with just weeks to choose a new candidate and trying to get that person in position to save face and avoid a complete rout.

They picked their sacrificial lamb in Jerry Petrowski. And they've already started pulling the big fundraising guns by having Scott Fitzgerald's Walkergate-tainted fund raiser, Judi Rhodes-Engels, set up the shindig:
"Judi Rhodes" 03/29/2012 05:41 PM

To "Judi Rhodes"

Subject:  April 10th Event

Please join us for a
Breakfast Reception for Senate Candidate:

Jerry Petrowski

With Special Guests:
Alberta Darling
Scott Fitzgerald
Glenn Grothman
Frank Lasee
Leah Vukmir
Rich Zipperer

Tuesday, April 10th
8:00-9:30 AM
Madison Club
5 East Wilson
Madison, WI

$1,000 to Host (includes attendance for 3)
$500 per person to attend

Please make checks payable to:
Friends of Jerry Petrowski
720 North 136th Ave
Marathon, WI 54448
Limited PAC currently accepted
For questions or to RSVP, please contact 608-257-8035 or

Authorized and paid for by Committee to Elect a Republican Senate, Scott Fitzgerald Treasurer

Rhodes Engels is, if the gentle reader remembers, Fitzgerald's personal fund raiser who has been tied in to Scott Walker's Harley Davidson campaign ride as well as sharing campaign donor spreadsheets with Kelly Rindfleisch, who is currently facing four felony charges for spending most of her time on her county job doing fund raising and other campaign activities, not just for Walker, but also for his lieutenant governor of choice, Brett Davis.

I guess Fitzie figures since he's already tainted with the stain of Walkergate, he might as jump in with both feet.

Another sign that the Republicans lack confidence is the fact that they once again feel the compulsion to run fake Democrats in the races.  They're doing so because it worked so well last time.

Well, to be honest, the Republicans running fake Democrats does serve one purpose.  It reminds us that they really don't care about election integrity or saving tax payers any money.

They're only interested in jobs - their own.

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