Friday, March 30, 2012

Walker's Latest Corruption

The Cap Times editorial board gets it:
How does that translate from Walkerspeak to English?

“Increased regulatory certainty” means that the PSC will lose the flexibility to examine and weigh issues with an eye toward doing what is best for consumers. In other words, the utility corporations will be more likely to win any dispute.

“Wisconsin businesses” refers to multinational corporations that are not headquartered in Wisconsin or committed to the state. They will get the big benefits, as opposed to locally owned firms, Main Street shops and farmers.

And the confirmation on this translation will come quickly. Watch Walker’s recall campaign financial statements. He will be collecting checks from corporate interests that he is taking care of by signing SB 428.

Translation: pay-to-play politics, at its worst.
It's a shame that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's editorial board won't be as honest with their readers.

1 comment:

  1. You have a point - their reporters are on this beat, and get a lot of things, right, though, c'mon.
