Sunday, March 18, 2012

Uninsured Gun Nuts

Now that the Republicans forced Fitzwalkerstan back in time where the code of the Wild West ruled, we are all in danger of some overzealous fool shooting us.  If this tragedy should occur to you, you better hope that they are rich, because they're not insured:
While the Castle Doctrine does provide protection for gun owners involved in shootings occurring in their home, car or business, it does not provide any immunity for the use of a weapon outside of these areas. This leaves a very large void for WI CCW license holders who engage in a self-defense shooting while they are out in public and opens them up to legal fees if charged with a crime or if sued by their target, the target's family, the business owner where the shooting occurs or other bystanders. 
Most WI CCW license holders are under the incorrect assumption their home or personal liability umbrella policy will cover them if they are charged with a crime or sued for their actions. This can be a very costly mistake and is an unnecessary risk taken by most CCW license holders that can be avoided with a specific Firearms Liability Policy. A jury trial for a criminal defense can cost $50,000 - $100,000 or more.

Considering the fact that most gun nuts don't think far ahead, much less of others, don't expect them to think of getting insurance.  Not that money will help you much when you have a bullet in you.

H/T Phil Scarr


  1. It's interesting that you (and apparently this Phil person) are experts on the inner workings of the Mind of the Gun Nut. You know what they have thought about insurance, you know IF they have though about insurance. And you of course know that this "insurance" is not just some lame ploy to cash in on the recent WI CC surge. LOL @ "murder insurance". Yes, write a post about that immediately. Then write one about the radio-wave face-lift machine that takes years off your age.
    You know that they are too STUPID to buy Murder Insurance and to even think about buying it. Yes, you know how far They think ahead, using your Think-Ahead-O-Nomitron. You know what "they" think and feel, why they do what they do, you Know What They Did Last Summer, and even though you have no idea who the They are, you know that they're there.
    Pretty impressive stuff.

    oh, and being as smart as you are about THEM, you probably have a deep awareness of what I am thinking about you right now. This is all just TOO uncanny. I'm gonna read all your posts from now on so I can see what I'll be doing thinking and saying next. This really takes the burden of my own feeble synapses. Thanks so much.

    1. My, my. With that kind of temper, it's no wonder CCW is extremely unpopular.

  2. So far one CCW incident. It occurred in a high crime area known as Milwaukee. The result, it stopped a crime and will probably deter future ones.

    1. Yup, it stopped a crime -- by committing one. The restaurant had a "no concealed weapons" sign at the door, which by the state CCW law means you can't legally take your concealed weapon inside. But the savior did that and now he risks having his weapon confiscated. Apparently, the morale of this from conservatives once again is: Obey only good laws.

    2. By the way, Milwaukee has had significantly declining crime rates in recent years, before the CCW law came along. It is a relatively safe major city, compared to national urban areas. Communities of all sizes with high poverty across this country do tend to have higher violent crime rates. You fix that by reducing poverty, not giving out more guns -- an inconvenient truth.

    3. Uhhh, google "Slinger" -- which is far from Milwaukee -- and "Bo Morrison." We still await word on what will happen to the shooter who is clinging to the "castle doctrine" as his defense.

    4. Actually, there's been three in Wisconsin since the law passed. The Slinger story, the one with the gun illegally carried into the store and one road rage incident.

  3. Anon, you're bad for those of who hold the 2nd Amendment near and dear.

    Should we get rid of coverage for drivers too?

    Please read the Second Amendment.

    "A WELL REGULATED militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

    Emphasis mine.

    Nothing does more harm to those of us who hold the 2nd Amendment near and dear, than some wannabee recklessly discharging a weapon. Liberal distribution of CCW permits only puts gun ownership at greater risk for those who understand the lethal responsibilities.

    CCW training and re-certification should be weapon specific. It should start with a detailed understanding of the load in your ammo. If you can't pass that, you don't move forward. You should also have to pass the identical physical fitness requirements that local law enforcement has to pass. That includes an IQ test (in English) (Wonderlic is a good example of such a test), aerobic fitness, visual and aural acuity. You have to be a U.S. citizen who has not been convicted of a felony. Wisconsin should add a requirement that the applicant is current on all taxes.

    The second step should be proper, maintenance, storage of the weapon AND the ammo. To clear this step you have to demonstrate where and how the weapon and ammo are stored. It should be stored where children especially have ZERO access. That's how most fatal gun accidents occur.

    After that there should be a written test to confirm that you know and understand all the applicable federal, state, and local laws.

    Only after successfully passing those stages should you be allowed to demonstrate proficiency with the weapon. If you can hit a target that does not shoot back, the next step in the permitting process is tactical training. Tactical situations where civilians start drawing their weapons add an additional level of complexity for law enforcement. Once you draw your weapon, a uniformed police officer arriving on the scene could understandably target you. There are a lot of tactical situations where you do not have to discharge. You can stabilize the situation until uniformed law enforcement arrives. Is stopping a stick-up worth risking your life and the lives of others? If you think the person is lethal to public safety and mentally ill, first you have to CORRECTLY identify them. In a crowded situation where people have just seen their loved ones shot, that can be impossible. You have to confirm the person your targeting isn't someone else with a CCW permit looking for the same target you are. BEFORE you discharge your weapon, you have to be 100% sure of "your background," ricochets, and others running into your field of fire at the last second.

    Annual renewal of CCW should include inspection of the weapon to make sure that you're maintaining it AND the ammo. Annual CCW re-certification should require you to pay for and pass the identical TACTICAL training that law enforcement has to take, and retake each year. That would include proficiency with THAT weapon at the range, but it also has to include the much tougher tactical training.

    For people who cannot pass CCW training, but still feel the need to carry some kind of deterrent, there are other options, pepper spray, tasers....

  4. I certainly wish I knew who you, anonymous, were in order to try to avoid any future, however distant, contact.

  5. Anon, if you want a CCW incident, google on Trayvon Martin.

  6. Anon, what about coverage for your car? Is that a bad idea too?

    Among a lot of other things, you need to focus more on responsibilities, less on rights.

    "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

  7. With the summer driving season approaching we should be getting very near to our first alcoholic CC road-rage gunfight. Yee Ha! As long as they shoot each other it's just natural selection at work, but it's those damn stray bullets that are the problem.

    CC enthusiasts should know it isn't as easy to declare bankruptcy as it was in the past. Drop your gun in a public space, accidentally shoot someone and see how pleasant your life will become. Yes, that gun-owner's insurance would have been a big rip-off, it was good that you didn't buy it. Besides, who could predict you would shoot your drinking buddy in the head while showing him your penis extension?

    Your precious CC permit lets you carry in public but doesn't give you the right to whip it out. For instance, just because you are an alcoholic, paranoid-racist doesn't mean you have the right to shoot a person of color because you are inexplicably afraid of them.

    How could you know that the object the man was pulling from his coat pocket was a Bible, right? But do make good use of your time in prison. Try learning some new skills, like reading, writing and reasoning because it's too late for the "Anger Management" course.

  8. The more "liberal," we are with CCW permits, the worse it is for responsible gun owners.

    Anyone who wants a CCW should have to annually meet all the requirements law enforcement does. IQ, psych eval, physicial fitness, visual acuity, aural acuity, weapon/ammo proficiency, range proficiency, and lots of tactical training.
