Sunday, March 18, 2012

What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander

The apparent exception to that timeless adage is when it comes to the Republicans' War on Women.

Watch this video of Representative Kelda Helen Roys presenting some amendments to a bill that would have leveled the playing field and put equality into the misogynistic laws the Republicans were ramming through. The reaction to her suggestions couldn't be a better example of the Republicans' "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality:

Then again, taking any sort of responsibility is not one of the right's strong suits.


  1. Rule Number 1 for any Republican: Our rules don't apply to us. They're "special" that way.

    1. I've had bosses like that. Probably still do, I guess I don't know who I work for now. Ha!

      F--- Phillips Medisize . That's all I gotta say.
