Thursday, November 12, 2015

Scott Walker (Dis)Honors Veterans

By Jeff Simpson 

Scott Walker issued this statement on Veterans Day:

America is the land of the free and home of the brave.  The rights and freedoms we enjoy every day in this nation come at a steep cost, one that is paid by our veterans and active servicemen and women.  On Veterans Day, and every day, we honor our veterans for their bravery, and we will continue our work to ensure they have the resources needed to pursue their piece of the American Dream upon return from service.

The rest of the year though he has shown how little he cares for Veterans by passing a Voter ID law where Veterans ID's are not eligible.

Hundreds of thousands of service men and women were honored this Veterans Day. But there's one thing those vets are asking for… the right to vote with their form of identification.
Right now in Wisconsin, a military ID issued by the U.S. Uniformed Service is valid. But an ID issued by the Veterans Administration is not valid at the polls.
“Some veterans are so disabled they can't drive, but they do have a veterans card so it would expedite everything a whole lot better being able to use it,” says veteran Steve Coach.
Tom Yetter, volunteer representative with the Guard and Reserve says it can become difficult for veterans to get proper forms of identification to vote.
“There are circumstances where veterans are disabled or for one reason or other and they don't have a driver's license. Now, they would be forced to go out and get some other form of official government identification, when they already have a government identification card that's very well documented in the first place.
Scott Walker loves having his picture taken with Veteran's, as long as they do not ask him for the right to vote when they come home!  Or treat our flag with respect!


Maybe if Scott Walker was not busy spending $90,000 of Wisconsin taxpayer money a day on his blind ambition, he could stay around WI and actually learn something from the union members he likes to demonize.

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At least he did not have an American hero and veteran thrown downt he stairs in the Capitol for singing.

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