Monday, March 14, 2016

English Only

By Jeff Simpson 

When you have this being pushed nationally:

Republicans in both the House and Senate have introduced legislation that would declare English the official language of the United States and require the development of English language testing guidelines for those applying for U.S. citizenship.
The English Language Unity Act would set out a new chapter in U.S. code that imposes an obligation on U.S. officials to "preserve and enhance the role of English as the official language of the Federal Government."
Part of this chapter would include a "uniform English language rule" holding that "all citizens should be able to read and understand generally the English language text of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the laws of the United States made in pursuance of the Constitution."To ensure this outcome, the bill would require the secretary of Homeland Security to issue a proposed rule for testing the English language ability of candidates for citizenship. The bill envisions possible exceptions to this standard but says these exceptions "should be limited to extraordinary circumstances, such as asylum."
The bill also says English language requirements and workplace policies in the public and private sectors "shall be presumptively consistent with the Laws of the United States."
And you have this locally:

A Republican lawmaker has reintroduced a bill that would make English the official language in Wisconsin.
State Rep. Andre Jacque’s proposal also would require state and local government to write all their documents in English. Exceptions could be made in individual cases, as well as to teach another language and to protect a criminal defendant’s rights. The bill would not restrict the use of a language other than English for non-governmental purposes.

Then you get this:

Then Popp, according to witnesses, kicked in the door of the Vue family's apartment. The Vues and their four children and Phia Vue's sister Thoa Vue sought refuge in a bedroom, but Popp pushed his way into the bedroom while holding a black rifle, the criminal complaint says.
Authorities say Popp pointed the rifle at Phia Vue and told the man to leave the bedroom with him, and after the sound of gunshots rang out, Popp returned to the Vues' bedroom and told Mai Vue, her children and sister-in-law to follow him out of the apartment.
Popp began dragging Mai Vue out of the apartment with her two smallest children, and as Thoa Vue passed the bathroom she opened the door and saw her brother lying motionless on the bathroom floor, the complaint says. Thoa Vue and two of the Vues' children ran out of the apartment building. Mai Vue was later found shot to death in the building.
Popp surrendered to police within minutes after the shootings. When he appeared in court last week, his defense attorneys raised the question of his mental competency in further court proceedings.

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