Lyin' Paul Ryan, Squeaker of the House, has a severe aversion to town hall meetings. He avoids them like the plague, not having had one in nearly 700 days. If you ask him why, he won't admit that he doesn't have the leadership or social skills to not mock a 71 year old man being dragged out, slammed to the ground and arrested as he did six years ago.
No, instead he'll blame it on meetings getting out of control on professional protesters being shipped in from out of state to turn his meetings into "screamfests." No, seriously, that's his excuse.
Now that he's facing a real challenger, Randy Bryce, who has left him and his dark money masters so rattled that they're already spending a small fortune on radio ads, he finds himself forced into once again meeting with his constituents. But instead of having to deal with the general public, he holds "safe" town halls at select sites, like certain companies or even telephonic town halls, so that they can keep the commoners from confronting him with reality.
Now those are even going sour for the poor little snowflake.
Lyin' Ryan had one of his snowflake-friendly town halls last week at a company called Banker Wire, in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. He thought he'd be safe because the owner would makie sure the employees toe the line.
But it didn't work out that way. Instead, even the people that used to support him are turning the heat up on him and calling him out on his lies:
But the politician from Janesville also faced some frustration from workers, including fellow Republicans. Keith Ketzler, 62, thanked Ryan and Republicans for doing some "good things," but questioned the GOP's inability to agree on major issues, such as health care.He went on to indirectly blame Mitch McConnell for his failures.
"I think for eight horrible years, I heard, 'We don't have control of the House. We don't have control of the Senate. We don't have the presidency,' " Ketzler said. "Well, I tell you what. You're in there now, and all I see is infighting. It's very dysfunctional. I don't see plans for anything."
Ryan answered, "So, the House is the functional body of Congress. I say that tongue-in-cheek, jokingly."
Ryan added, "Believe me, I understand your frustration."
Ryan got so desperate after being faced with this truth that he took to doing what he does so naturally, lying to constituents' faces, as Tommy Christopher at IJR reports:
But the most blatant - and funniest - of the lies he told that day was this doozy:RYAN: You get health care here at Banker, right? Yeah, so one thing. Let me just clear up, a lot of people get a little confused about this, Obamacare is not employer-sponsored health care, meaning Obamacare is for [...] it affects Medicaid low-income health care for people who don't get health care through their jobs and the people who buy their own health insurance. It doesn't tell you how employer-sponsored health care works, effectively, so it's a health care program for people who buy their own health insurance, not employer-sponsored health insurance.This is a despicable lie on several levels, the first being that Obamacare's key patient protections do apply to employer-based health insurance, from the ban on annual and lifetime caps to the essential health benefits, to the prohibition on discriminating against pre-existing conditions, and everything in between. And many of those protections depend on provisions, like the individual and employer mandates, which make it possible to cover pre-existing conditions, for example.
Those are the direct effects of Obamacare on employer-based health insurance, but in addition to those, the CBO has also concluded that among the tens of millions who would lose health insurance under the Republican repeal plan are 4 million people with employer-based health insurance, like the man Ryan lied to.
Ryan also faced questions about why Republicans struggled to get their message out.Yeah, with Faux News, squawk radio and the rest of the corporate media, they just can't get their message out, the poor darlings.
"We don't control the media but what we do do is try to get our message out," Ryan said.
By the way, Tom Nielson, the now 76 year old gentleman that was physically and verbally abused at Ryan's town hall meeting in the video, was at Randy Bryce's campaign kick off rally last month and gave him a donation. Could you do the same so that we can repeal and replace the compulsive liar Ryan?
I just kicked in some $$$ for Randy Bryce. May he evict Lyin' Ryan!