Jason and the crowd at Drinking Liberally are continuing with their threat of bringing an outsider into our midst.
This came in the mail sometime while I was gone:
Ah, well, we welcome Nick Schweitzer to these, and Westlake is not nearly as goofy. Close, but not quite.Gather round, my lefty folk, come hear the tale of the tea partier who ventured into Milwaukee realm. The one who came, Westlake was his name, and into the land of beer and progressives he roamed. Over taxes and healthcare he groaned, under entitlement and non-discrimination he moaned, when really, there was no threat he'd be disowned. For it's nothing like what he'd been shown(ed).
(Rest assured we don't speak in verse at Drinking Liberally. Or anything remotely like it. And it may be telling that this meesage was composed *without* the aid of beer...)
Let me shove aside my rare (rare?) case of bad writing and give you the details:
Drinking Liberally
Wed. April 21, 7-9PM
@ Sugar Maple, 441 E. Lincoln Ave., MilwaukeeSpecial guest Dave Westlake, G.O.P./Tea Party candidate for U.S. Senate, who's hoping to challenge U.S. Senator Russ Feingold in November.
*** NOTE: A Republican-Tea Party candidate need to be treated gently. Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to them. Do not taunt the candidate. If the candidate begins to emit smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Failure to do so relieves the organizer of Drinking Liberally Milwaukee, and its parent group, Living Liberally, of any and all liability. ***
Fine print aside, let's give Dave Westlake a warm welcome. I think this will be a good conversation for all of us. Look at his info at www.davewestlake.org, and bring your questions. This will be good!
Your cordial host,
Jason Haas
It'll be a good time, that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteI'm curious how the teabaggers explain the fact that we are paying less taxes than we have in years.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately i don't think i'll make it tonight, but i'm curious to know how he might explain the apparent hypocrisy on his webpage. Under SOCIAL ISSUES (the only important ones are apparently abortion and gay marriage! Never mind poverty, institutional discrimination, crime, etc) he says "I believe that all human life is precious and is a blessing from the Lord. We are not the arbiters of when natural death occurs," but then under OUR MILITARY AND THE GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR he extols the virtues of our soldiers who go and fight the "bad guys" over in evil-land, expressing his undying love and support of their righteous mission. So either he doesn't think our soldiers are arbitrating when death occurs to some brown people (meaning he's ignorant and naive), or he doesn't REALLY believe that we shouldn't be arbiters over when people die (meaning his opposition to abortion rests on a false premise). Perhaps someone could ask him if he could clarify this seeming inconsistency?
ReplyDeleteEPMES: Man, you're taking this WAY too seriously.