This is the first I've ever heard of such a program. This is an absolutely wonderful way to help keep people from illegally their garbage in empty fields or other people's or companies' dumpsters to avoid the charges normally associated with taking them to the dump.Dear Friends,
I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about a valuable City program that allows you to get rid of excess household clutter and debris at no cost. It’s called Project Clean & Green and it begins April 12th and runs through June 1st. During this time, Department of Public Works crews will target one area of the City each week collecting extra items left at the garbage collection point on the scheduled day. Residents will receive a tag on their garbage cart two weeks prior to their collection week. You can also visit the DPW Web site to find your Project Clean & Green collection date.
Residents within the targeted zone can place unwanted furniture, mattresses, household items, brush, up to five tires and extra recyclables at the collection point on their scheduled collection day.
I’m also pleased to let you know most recycling carts will now be collected every three weeks, versus every four weeks, from April 12th to November 24th. Residents without alleys should place carts at the curb for collection on designated dates. Affected households will receive a tag on the recycling cart stating the scheduled summer collection dates.
Both of these initiatives are designed to make life easier for residents to keep their homes and neighborhoods clean and green. I hope you’ll take advantage of them.
Mayor, City of Milwaukee
Keep up the good work, Mayor! Just make sure Scott Walker doesn't try to put any of his courthouse cornice debris in there for free.
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