Thus far, Wisconsin Radio Network appears to have gotten the closest to getting any sort of answer from her:
The Republican running for lieutenant governor was in Menasha Thursday to talk to students at U-W Fox Valley about the November election. Rebecca Kleefisch also responded to questions about why she won’t debate the Democrat in the lieutenant governor’s race, Assembly Majority Leader Tom Nelson. Kleefisch said Nelson’s calls for debate are “the last refuge of a desperate campaign.” She also said she isn’t sure if lieutenant governor candidates usually participate in debates. “I don’t know what the standard is,” Kleefisch told WHBY. “This is my first political campaign. I guess I don’t know what is standard and what is not when it comes to something like this.”She doesn't know what the standard is? She's been going around for the past several months bragging about how she was such a crack reporter and a watchdog of the government. But all of a sudden she is unable to make a phone call or do a Google search? Perhaps she studied under the famed Jessica McBride for her journalism skills.
But the main point is that once again, her elitism and disrespect for the voters comes glaring through. If she truly wanted to speak to the voters, what better or more efficient way than through a televised debate? And she knows how to debate. She did debates when she was running in the primary. Obviously, she did rather well, since she won the Republican primary.
The real answer is that her running mate, Scott Walker, doesn't want her to debate. He doesn't think she is good enough, obviously. So why should we?
By the way, Ms. Kleefisch, the current Lt. Governor, Barbara Lawton, debated twice during the last election. See? That wasn't so hard.
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