Saturday, September 10, 2011

Larson Cosponsors Two Good Pieces Of Legislation

From State Senator Chris Larson's weekly newsletter, one can find that he is cosponsoring two good pieces of legislation which is long overdue. The first one would stop the influence of special interests on the state budget.  In Larson's own words:
I am co-sponsoring legislation with Rep. Kelda Helen Roys, to ban campaign fundraising while the state budget is being considered. This legislation would prohibit elected state officials and their campaign committees from accepting contributions from January 1st of odd-numbered years through the date of enactment of the budget bill. Those individuals who want to make contributions to a campaign may still do so, after the budget has been enacted. This bill will help to maintain the integrity of our government by removing the influence of special interest over the most important bill passed each session. Wisconsinites value open and clean government and have continuously sought to preserve our tradition of accountability and transparency. This bill reaffirms that our budget should reflect Wisconsin's priorities and values. My colleagues and I hope this legislation will limit outside influence in the future to guarantee that our budget reflects the will of the people and not the whims of special interests and big corporations.
The other piece of legislation is also very important, and deals with ensuring the public gets a chance to review and have input. Again, from Larson's newsletter:
I am also co-sponsoring a bill to ensure that legislation is not rapidly pushed through the legislative process without adequate scrutiny and input from the public. This legislation would require a 21-day review period between the time a bill is introduced in either house and the time that house votes on the bill. In cases of emergency, the bill provides that the 21-day review period can be suspended if two-thirds of members vote to do so. Although the practice of rushing legislation through has been around for years, this past spring it was brought it to a whole new level. Legislative rules were hastily broken and open meetings laws were ignored to hurriedly pass extreme legislation. Such backward actions barred the public and those representing them from effectively studying and reviewing bills in order to provide thoughtful input. This legislation will increase public scrutiny, government accountability and transparency, which are the pillars of Wisconsin's tradition of open government.
The value of both these pieces of legislation was exemplified loudly and repeatedly in the first six months of the current regime's rule. Expect the Republicans to turn down both of these, since the way that they make their really big money, by selling their souls and our state to the highest bidder biggest campaign contributor.


  1. Both of these bills are a lame attempt of the minority to overturn the outcome of the 2010 elections. There was plenty of time to examine Act 10, if the liberals had not deserted to Illinois for 3 weeks. Why didn't they stay and do their jobs? Conservatives won, we will continue to win, we have no obligation, nor do we care to listen to the wailing of the minority. Perhaps in future, should liberals ever attain the majority in WI, they can pass these bills. Meanwhile please get out of the way while Conservative family values are returned to WI.

  2. The statement of not caring to listen to the "minority" pretty much sums up why conservatism is not my cup of tea anymore.

    The conservative family values of which are pointed out here are nothing more than top-down forced values, and through our daily middle-class corporate-consuming habits those values have been perverted.

    Conservatism is the flavor of the month, much like a "new" Coke. It comes in, looks flashy with the nationally-saturated marketing power behind it. But at the end of the day, the substance just isn't there.

    But, conservatism will continue to win as long as the campaign stays fresh and SIMPLE. Catch-phrases and "small" terms keep it simple.
    Shock and awe. Entitlements. Debt ceiling. Obamacare. Values.

    But then, to really make it stick, a good advertising campaign needs to make it personal. They need that emotional connection.

    So, say you're having a bad year. What better way to get more power than to single out minorities that have it better than you? Why should "THEY" get things better than "YOU?"

    Why should "YOU" have to take care of "THEM?"

    There's the emotional connection that the conservatives sold you on.

    Advertising is a powerful tool, and you don't even know how it affects your decision making. Think about every purchase you make, every move you make, and ask yourself, why?

    Why did you buy that Coke? Why that "new" Coke? It was because you already saw multiple T.V. images, ads, radio jingles, and whatnot before you found yourself at the convenience store, and lo and behold, it's on display prominently.


    This holds true to our new conservative friends these days, too.
    I hope they bring the old ones back out next year.

  3. "There was plenty of time to examine Act 10, if the liberals had not deserted to Illinois for 3 weeks."
    So sayeth Clemster. If that's so, then why did newspapers keep finding new aspects of Act 10 to report on? Because if the Republicans had had their way, a 144-page bill would have had a single 6 hour hearing and three days for people to examine it -- not even time for a constituent to mail in his or her objections, assuming that he or she could get a copy to read.

    Plenty of time indeed. Pshaw.
