Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Walker Budget Is Already Working! Part XVII

As I've noted repeatedly, Scott Walker's budget has taken money out of circulation by taking it away from the working men and women of the state and concentrating in the hands of his wealthy campaign donors.  As a result, people are forced to cut back on many things, making it harder and harder for business themselves to stay viable.

This pattern continues:
Kmart plans to close its store at 120 E. Sunset Drive in Waukesha, affecting 57 employees, according to a mass layoff notice sent Wednesday to the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. 
The store will close Jan. 8, 2012, the notice said. 
This is the second local closing Kmart has announced in the last two months. It plans to close its Burlington store Nov. 13.
The only way we are going to stop people from losing their jobs is when Scott Walker loses his.


  1. Yeah, it was Walker. It had nothing to do with the new Super Wal-Mart and new Target that have opened within the last year or so. Also had nothing to do with the fact the place has been a pit since I moved to the area 10 years ago.

  2. I'll agree with the above comment on this one...., for the most part.

    I'm from almost the total opposite end of the state, but with my driving job I would frequent the Milwaukee area.

    With me not being from the area, Waukesha always seemed like the outer suburb when I was there.

    Especially the area where the new Target is, that could have all been mostly fields not too long ago.

    So, yeah, I think Target and a whole new bright shiny shopping area to drive to helped put the hurt on Kmart.

    But, I can see your point where it is VERY possible that with the loss of that little bit extra cash is starting to slow the dollars in circulation.

    Businesses that were on the edge of staying in the black might have dipped just that little bit extra into the red where the call has to be made to "shut it down."

    Target pays people less per hour than Walmart, I know that for a fact in these parts up here.

  3. K-Mart has been closing under-performing stores for the past several years, friend.

    They had plans in February to close several store in several states, perhaps this was one of them?

    Kmart operated 1445 stores in the US in 2005, and that figure was down to 1343 stores as of Oct. 31, 2010.

    Are you going to blame Walker for the closing of those 102 stores nationwide in that 5 year period, too?

    You can spin anything anyway you wish - but in the end, the spin doesn't make it true. The facts usually speak for themselves.

  4. In the world of politics, as all of you know, the only thing that seems to matter is are we gaining or losing jobs and who is the leader under which it happened. It is, at the very least, inconsistent to blame Obama for the recession which was started under Bush but then give Walker a pass on job loss in his regime...if he is right, his actions will eventually speak for themselves.
