Unlike other years, Sinicki has a primary challenger, Julie Meyer, a MPS schoolteacher. Their August 9th primary will be a winner take all situation as that no Republican was foolish enough to challenge Sinicki.
Now, I am one all for primaries and people stepping up to represent the people but I have to admit that this one makes no damn sense. Meyer is running a completely negative campaign, trying to make a number of rather absurd claims, among them being that:
- Sinicki doesn't represent the district well;
- Sinicki is weak with the unions; and,
- Sinicki is for the privatization of the Milwaukee Public Schools.
- A group home for the mentally ill/developmentally delayed that opened in Meyer's neighborhood.
Like I said, this one is making no damn sense. Each and every one of Meyer's talking points is just plain laughable.
Sinicki is one of the most available elected officials that I have ever seen on any level of government. She is always available to her constituents and even to people outside of her district. If someone comes to her with a problem, she does all she can to try to find a solution, no matter how big or small the issue may be.
One of the things I learned long ago is that it is important to see what happens when you contact a politician, especially during election times. If the person asks what they can do for you, they are a keeper. If they ask what you can do for them, see if there is someone better. Sinicki definitely fits into the former category.
Likewise, Sinicki has been a long time friend of the unions. She is just as approachable to members of the workforce as she is to her constituents. She has been a fierce defender of workers' rights and has consistently put up a long, hard fight against the Republicans' war on workers.
As for MPS and the group home, Sinicki has been quite vocal and quite visible in her opposition to both of these issues. On top of that, the group home is a county issue, not a state one, which makes one wonder if Meyer even knows what she is running for.
It should be noted that, regarding the MPS issue and that allegations that Sinicki is weak on the unions, Among the many union endorsements for Sinicki is both WEAC and MTEA, the teachers' unions for the state and Milwaukee teachers. Coincidentally, Meyer's website doesn't show any endorsements from anyone - not a single one.
To be even more clear on the point, Meyer's own union endorsed Sinicki over her, which should tell the gentle voter a helluva lot.
At first, it was hard to tell if Meyer was possibly a fake Democrat or a gag candidate, but she appears to be legit, if rather naive.
Regardless of where Meyer is coming from, the facts are the same.
Sinicki has been a very good and very able representative of the people, not only of her district, but of the city, county and state, for many years and has more than earned to be reelected again this year. Please join me in supporting Christine Sinicki. To find out what you can do to help her, go to her website.
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