Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The (Republican) Goonies - 2012 Version

WPR recently came out with a study stating that members of Congress speak at a level befitting a Sophomore in High School (A drop off of a full grade level in the last 6 years(hello "tea party")).

Woodall is part of the large freshman class that came into Congress in 2010 — many of them backed by the Tea Party movement. Sunlight's Drutman says this infusion of new members looks to be part of the reason for the overall grade-level decline.

"Particularly among the newest members of Congress, as you move out from the center and toward either end of the political spectrum, the grade level goes down, and that pattern is particularly pronounced on the right," he says.

Of the 10 members speaking at the lowest grade level, all but two are freshmen, and every one is a Republican.

Then Bill Maher, in one of his best "new rules" segments, started out with a 14 year old right wing talk show host and had this to say about the current republican party:

 "I'm not trying to slam these kids, because being an asshole is totally understandable when you're fourteen," Maher says. "But my point is to Republican adults. When 14-year old boys sound exactly like you do... maybe you should rethink the shit that's coming out of your mouth."

Full Segment here:

So like The Goonies of the 1980's,  the current republican party are like a bunch of uneducated teenagers who got a treasure map(their elected seats) and are doing their best to cash in!!  


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