Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Walkergate: Upcoming Attractions!

Possibly more dirt coming out from the Kelly Rindfleisch trial?
Filed; -Motion to Introduce Other Acts Evidence Pursuant To Wis. Stat. 904.04(2) or Alternatively to Amend the Information to Include Uncharged Counts Alleged in Complaint; -Memorandum in To Introduce Other Acts Evidence Pursuant to Wis. Stat. 904.04(2) or Alternatively to Amend the Information to Include Uncharged Counts Alleged in Complaint; -Offer of Proof - Other Act Evidence.


  1. After reading the referenced statute some people may wonder if Caucusgate may be making an reappearance.

    Is a defense for this that the old immunity still applies? ;-)

    Or is it that the cause of this is the defense that the old immunity still applies? ;-)

  2. My impression is that the prosecution is asking to present evidence of a series of actions taken by the defendant which are not being prosecuted but still demonstrate intent to violate the law or flesh out the alleged motive for doing so.

    The defense will then make their arguments as to why they feel this information should be suppressed. From my reading, the statute generally gives the prosecution a great deal of latitude in this regard.

    Is it possible that her previous actions in the Caucus scandal, even though she was granted immunity, might be brought forward to show a propensity or even a special talent for violating campaign law, as proof that she must have known she was breaking the law.

  3. Turning up the heat and tightening the noose

  4. Gareth, much appreciated.
