Saturday, October 22, 2016

RoJo Flings Poo In Latest Ad

In RoJo's latest ad, he goes back to exploiting his family who he has bemoaning the state of politics, especially this year, but goshdarnit, they need good old dad in Washington to clean things up.

Yeah, OK, right.

Let's just ignore the fact that the only things that RoJo had done for the last six years is use his spot as Chair of of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs to repeatedly abuse his position to run political attacks against Hillary Clinton (Benghazi!!!) and unsuccessfully attempt to repeal Obamacare scores of times.

It is ironic that RoJo and kids are crying about dirty politics and false ads. Unless, of course, they are talking about the anti-Russ Feingold ad that had to be pulled by three TV stations because it was so false. Even though the ad was run by one of the Kochs multitude of dark money groups, RoJo continues to try to keep up that line of attack even to this day.

Talk about slow learners.

Then again, it might be that RoJo and his dark money masters are trying to cover up his own ineptitude regarding a scandal that happened at a VA center in northern Wisconsin, as this Feingold ad so clearly points out:

But hypocrisy, misdirection and down right lying is the norm for any Republican.

What is really shocking and disgusting is that RoJo that it was a cutesy, homey thing to fling a dirty diaper across the kitchen, including over the dinner table, which had a bowl of fruit sitting right there.

I tell ya, if RoJo ever invites you over for dinner, you might want to be have other plans that night.