Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Fundamentals Of Our Economy Is Strong

Some workers, including my wife, are facing an extended layoff during the holidays. Some workers are being laid off indefinitely, like the autoworkers in Janesville.

The future for these people are bleak.

At least those poor, impoverished executives are making ends meet, barely. But as Zach points out, that's supposed to be a secret.

So what can we do? Of course, blame the workers!


  1. The replies section on the B&S site is such a tool kit.

    What country in the western world viciously bashes its workers like ours and lionizes people who basically sit on their butts over at the financial side while drawing tens of billions out off their companies?

  2. Christmas gift suggestions:

    For Senator Bob Corker, a pay cut so that his salary and benefits exactly match those of the employees of the automakers based in Tennessee.

    For Ron Gettelfinger, president of the UAW, a pay raise so that his salary and benefits exactly match those of Senator Corker before his pay was cut.

  3. Hey, did you hear that members of Congress voted themselves a $4,000 raise?

    It's true!

  4. Yet, 1250 more workers got the axe today. Wonder what country Congress thinks they're running to deserve that kind of money.
