Sunday, December 7, 2008

And Yosemite Sam Celebrated

Just when you thought it was safe to go to your favorite national park, Bush takes that away while pandering to his special interest buddies at the NRA:
People will soon be able to carry concealed, loaded guns in most national parks and wildlife refuges.

The Bush administration said Friday it is overturning a 25-year-old federal rule that severely restricts loaded guns in national parks.

Under a rule to take effect in January, visitors will be able to carry a loaded gun into a park or wildlife refuge — but only if the person has a permit for a concealed weapon and if the state where the park or refuge is located also allows concealed firearms.

The new rule goes further than a draft proposal issued last spring and would allow concealed weapons even in parks located in states that explicitly ban the carrying of guns in state parks. Some states allow concealed weapons but also ban guns from parks.

"If you can carry (a gun) on Main Street, you are allowed to carry in a national park," said Chris Paolino. a spokesman for the Interior Department.

The Interior Department rule overturns a Reagan-era regulation that has restricted loaded guns in parks and wildlife refuges. The previous regulation required that firearms be unloaded and placed somewhere that is not easily accessible, such as in a car trunk.

Mmm. Reagan era? He never struck me as a long-haired hippie type. Anywho, the funny thing is the NRA's all too predictable response to the law they paid for:

The National Rifle Association hailed the rule change, which will take effect next month before President-elect Barack Obama takes office.

"We are pleased that the Interior Department recognizes the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families while enjoying America's national parks and wildlife refuges," said Chris W. Cox, the NRA's chief lobbyist.

The rule will restore the rights of law-abiding gun owners on federal lands and make federal law consistent with the state where the lands are located, Cox said. The NRA led efforts to change gun regulations they called inconsistent and unclear.

At least his last name is correct.

But protect them from what? Last time I heard, national parks were supposed to be family friendly. Having a shoot out about a camping spot isn't exactly family-oriented or friendly. I could also see some goof hear an acorn hit the ground and think the commies were launching their long awaited attack. I also could see said goof start shooting at everything and everyone. Yeah, that's how I want to be spending my vacation. Dodging bullets from lunatics and wannabe Dirty Harry's.

Does the NRA think that just because they wear masks and sometimes can be found in groups, that raccoons are thugs and gang bangers that are out to camperjack them?

Maybe, when they were just wee little tykes, the would be Yosemite Sam's saw this and were so traumatized, they never got over it:

Whatever the reason, hopefully it won't take long for Barack Obama to nullify this insane policy soon after he takes office.


  1. If you want to deal with reality instead of your straw-man crap, try the reality of bears (who love to get up close and personal while mooching for food at night).

    And in case you haven't read a newspaper for several years, there are MULTIPLE reports of large narcotics-growing operations within the national parks.

    Come across them accidentally--or across their entry/egress trails--and that .357 could be very handy.

    But hey! Keep putting up the straw men. It's almost as good as the cartoons you embed...

  2. Yeah, depending on where in the park I was, having a gun to protect against a bear attack would seem to actually be pretty common sense.

  3. so, what's up with the concealed part? I hope if they are going to do this it's not going to allow concealed weapons in parks.
    Meanwhile, old as I am, I do remember the thinking behind the ban in the first place. It was for the safety of people in the park and in airplanes......because some people think that shooting into the sky is a good idea to scare off some animal. They were also using the "it's for my protection" bit to hide that they were hunting illegally.
    Meanwhile, most bears get chased away pretty easily as long as you aren't baiting them with food. I think an air horn would be better than a rifle, and most certainly a handgun, unless you are a really good marksman.
    Those hugely annoying air horns will scare away almost any animal. they scare the crap out of me. and, pepper spray works on all animals.
    There are just so many ways to protect yourself in a park from wild animals that guns should be the absolute last resort.
    I think this all plays into the whole NRA sales campaign. Pretty soon everyone is going to think they need a gun for every possible situation, no matter how improbable.

  4. Kay's right, the concealed part makes no sense. And a handgun would most likely just end up pissing the bear off more than anything else.

    As for bears, if people don't know how to hang their food up high, they deserve to lose it. As for the alleged drug farms, isn't that what rangers and cops are for? Oh, yeah, tax cuts....
