Friday, November 19, 2010

Dimitrijec Responds To Recall Threat

From Milwaukee Supervisor Marina Dimitrijevic in response to CRG's bully tactics (emphasis hers)
"I welcome the democratic process as it has made it possible for me to serve my district actively for over 7 years, recently being re-elected with 72% of the vote. It is clear that I am being singled out because I have been vocal about the damage that Scott Walker has done to Milwaukee County. I will continue to be a strong advocate for the residents of the 4th District who depend on me."
'Nuff said!


  1. It's rather sad that she views her constituents as "depending" on her. And if there really are people "depending" on Marina, outside any family duties she may have...that's sad too. Our goal as a society should be to encourage achievement...not dependency.

  2. Well, that was a classy way to handle those goosesteppers.

  3. Once thing that is dependable is for you to say something really asinine Roland.

  4. You invoke the tired, overused (by all sides) Nazi imagery and you say I'M being asinine? Sure...whatever.

    BTW...did you ever pay the $35k back to the good...yet naive...people of Shorewood?

  5. Actually the relationship of the public to our elected officials is one of mutual dependence. That being said the real issue is how forcefully Marina stood up to the CRG clowns.

  6. WTG, Marina. Forceful yet civil.
