Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Election Is Over, Now Leaf Me Alone

By the time you read this, the polls will have closed.

I don't know who will when or lose, and I don't make predictions. After all, I'm not a witch, and I can't see into the future.

But whether the people vote for continued recovery with Tom Barrett and Russ Feingold or they decide to take the country into a full blown economic depression with Scott Walker and Ron Johnson, there is one thing I do know for certain.

Neither Tom Barrett, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Ron Johnson or any other politician or any other campaign worker will be going to my place up north to help clean up the acre and a half worth of leaves that have fallen in the last couple of weeks. Nor will they be helping clearing the branches and limbs that fell with last week's windstorm.

So, given that the weather, for now, is beautiful, I have gone off line to go up and tend to things myself. What that means for you, dear reader, is that I will be offline for some days, and not posting anything, responding to emails, or checking comments.

I'm sure that many pundits on both sides will be explaining the election results ad nauseum, whether their side won or lost. All I know is that we will continue to fight to make things better for everyone, no matter who's in and who's out.

It will be interesting to see just how many readers I lose now that the election is over. I will predict that the fall off will be more than 50%. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I go back to my base of 4.3 readers. And I'm OK with that.

I just hope I don't end up like this little guy:

Have a good week everyone.


  1. Hurts doesn't it shows you how little of you actually matter. You still are vile and terrible human being I hope are miserable every day of your miserable worthless life lol

  2. "Vile", "terrible human being"...? You must be mistaking capper for Scott Weasel who allowed mentally ill women at the Mental Health Complex to be raped for years. Only a "vile" and "terrible human being" would put politics before the safety of vulnerable people. Weasel will have to answer for what he did and didn't do in MC...he's not going to be able to hide (in Madison) from being held accountable. Being Governor does not make you immune from the law.

  3. Only a "vile", "terrible human being" and GUILTY person would delay/prevent the release of this report as Weasel has.

  4. The report that still has not been released:

  5. Does this leaf-blowing retreat at all correspond with a 20-day suspension?

  6. Umm, mew, time to go back under the rock you crawled from.
    And how did Walker allow women to be raped? Hold the door open for the rapist?
    I think it's time for you to get checked out at your local mental health clinic.

  7. @Roland. Sorry, Goober, but with the exception of two furlough days, it was all paid time off. But out of curiosity, where'd you come up with such a specific number?

    @Dan Way to show that you totally lack even a vestige of class. BTW, if you had any reading retention skills, you might have remembered that Walker ignored the warnings and rejected a plan for a secure ward three years ago. He knew this could happen and was happening, but chose to do nothing.

  8. capper...is that the "Dan" that always makes everyone feel smarter? ;-)

  9. Wow, I hope you can forget a bunch of that nonsense. I also hope that you and your wife had a nice little vacation.

    Keep up the good fight.

  10. I heard a rumor that you got a 20 day suspension regarding the whole improper work computer usage dust up from a while back. Rather than spread an unconfirmed rumor, I preferred to ask you directly. Don't know why you had to call me "Goober"...perhaps I struck a nerve.

  11. So, did you receive a suspension at work?

  12. I see, I gave you a bad link. Try this one.

    BTW, who told you this "rumor"?

  13. Your link goes to a post about Marina Dimitrijevic. I dont see you answering the question anywhere. Why are you being so cryptic in your answer? Did you get suspended...yes or no?

  14. Read the comments.

    Now, your source?

  15. If the answer was no, then my source was clearly wrong. But your inability to personally answer the question and apparent strong desire to know my source point to "yes."

  16. Sounds like you have a little dilemma there.
