Monday, November 28, 2011

Every 3.5 Seconds

United Wisconsin and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin released their amazing news tonight - that we've collected over 300,000 signatures in just the first twelve days of the recall.

My good friend and mentor, Jay Bullock, who had the foresight to unleash me on the world, started to do the cyphering of what it means.

Let's take it a little further.  The number that I've heard is actually 301,000, but we'll go with the 300,000 for the sake of simplicity.

300,000 signatures in the first 12 days comes to:
  • 25,000 signatures per day
  • 1,042 signatures per hour
  • 17 signatures per minute
That comes to a signature about every 3.5 seconds.

There is no way an honest person could describe that as anything but remarkable.

And while there is little doubt that the majority of signatures came from Milwaukee and Dane Counties, signatures have been collected in each of the 72 counties. United Wisconsin provides some examples:

  • 10,033 residents from Columbia County signed recall petitions
  • 4,713 Pierce County residents have signed so far
  • 3,698 residents in Oneida County have signed
  • 16,845 Eau Claire County and Chippewa County residents have signed
  • 8,540 residents from Portage County have signed
I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed by Portage County.  With Stevens Point there, I thought they'd have a better showing.  I guess I'll have to go over there to help when I'm up to the castle next weekend.

WISGOP could only muster up a statement that shows that even in the face of the whirlwind they have reaped, they are in complete disconnect with the people of Wisconsin, and would rather listen to the out of state big money donors, like the Koch Brothers.  Most right wing pundits are choosing to stick their heads in the sand.  The ones that keep their heads up seem to have them exploding.

But I touched on the right's fanaticism towards Walker and his maleficent ways, so this should really surprise no one.

And in a way, I can't blame them for their ineffective coping skills.

I can hardly believe it myself.  Just think about it.

Every three and a half seconds, someone is stepping forward and saying, "Enough! I want my Wisconsin back!"


  1. John Menard is a major contributor to the Koch Bros. tea party platforms. I'm really beginning to wonder how his face has not been firmly planted on the Walker disaster.

  2. Walker and WIGOP have zero ground game. What they've got is Koch brothers cash, Charlie Sykes, and the rest of the media controlled by the 1%.

  3. That reminds me of the perfect recall signature gathering site. In West Allis, right between a M&I Bank and a Menards store.

    The irony and symbolism is too delicious to pass up.

  4. OK, first time ever to the state repub's website and I had to wipe away the tears of laughter upon being invited to follow the, "governor," at myscottspot, on the Gov's page.

    My first impression was that would be akin to following a new puppy around the house with the carpet extractor.

    Brilliant, someone actually got paid for that? Must be one of the 250K promised new jobs. Between that position and the $125K deer czar, only 249,998 jobs to go.

  5. I took some petitions to a monthly gathering I attend, and found myself competing with two other people also collecting signatures. Even so, I filled two sheets and mailed them in the next day.
