Paul Ryan at Faith & Freedom rally |
They were actually two events.
On Friday night, the group hosted what they called "Reviving The American Dream" which had guests such as former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Faith and Freedom Coalition founder Ralph Reed, Tonette Walker and Lt. Governor Becky Kleefisch.
On Saturday, they held a really for the GOP primary candidates. This jubilee was attended by Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Many other people - including Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, J.B. Van Hollen, Sean Duffy, Jim Sensenbrenner, Tom Petri and Reid Ribble - had been invited but it is unclear by any of the news reports if they showed.
The odd thing was no one knew what this Faith & Freedom Coalition was.
Well, almost no one.
Josh Glasstetter, writing at Right Wing Watch for People for the American Way, breaks it all down nicely.
According to Glasstetter, Faith & Freedom Coalition was founded and is operated by Ralph Reed. Reed has a long history of sordid behavior, including being tied to federal scandals involving Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, which is the granddaddy of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. Reed also has a long history with Jack Abramoff and, per Abramoff, had direct involvement with the pay for play scandal.
Well, now it all makes sense doesn't it?
I hope that Rob Zerban makes sure that people know exactly what kind of characters Ryan loves to hang out with.
My only question now is if Reed and Walker had any time to talk so that Reed could tell Walker the proper way to run a scandal so that after Walker makes atonement for Walkergate, he can get right back on the horse and run another scandal.
I think the name "Faith and Freedom" is ok, but they could make it sound better if there was something about prosperity, tradition or heritage in the title.