Dominique Paul Noth, an old school journalist, wrote an eloquent article in which he also laments the changes that have happened in journalism, although he admits it wasn't always so great either back in the day.
While it would well be worth the gentle reader to take a few minutes to read Noth's poignant observations on journalism as a whole, there is a section that I would draw the reader's attention to which outlines what we all know but few are willing to say outright - that the corporate media is in bed with the political operation of Scott Walker and his dark money supporters:
There is not much that I or anyone else could add to this. But I would point out that the intertwining to which Noth speaks is even deeper than he reported. While it is true that the Journal Sentinel owns the website, it is funded - at least in part - by the Koch-funded Wisconsin Club for Growth.Many readers now wonder aloud why parent company Journal Communications continues to
damages its reputation of journalistic integrity by turning morning TMJ Radio over to the right-wing blathering of Charlie Sykes. But that was a ratings decision, not a news one. The justification remains that Sykes, like Rush Limbaugh, describes himself as an entertainer not a journalist. (Of course, he wants his opinions revered as hard commentary and he comes from a journalist background. In fact, I worked in the Journal newsroom when he was a reporter there, haranguing veterans with his ideas, which they found amusing or just quietly rolled their eyes. The general opinion was that he was likeable but not believable, and his father, the late journalist Jay Sykes, was more respected. So no wonder Charles moved on to pastures that would put him on a higher pedestal.)
Sykes’ ego has now led to a larger error. His Right Wisconsin, a website requiring paid subscription and full of his musings and those of others who claim journalistic credentials, including several right-wing bloggers JS has hired, was started by him to spread his journalism credentials and is actually owned by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Journal Communications, moving from mere employer of an entertainer to conspirator in right-wing journalistic thematics. That has destroyed the JS reputation for objectivity especially right now, as Walker falls into deeper disrepute through his own behavior as county executive.
Just ask Bice himself. In a web chat on jsonline Feb. 26, he was asked to comment on whether Right Wisconsin was an arm of Walker’s political machine, given that its editor, Brian Fraley, has been revealed as email contact in the recent release of John Doe missives. Chatted Bice:
“If you want to understand how closely tied Right Wisconsin is to the Walker team, do this: Go to the email records and do a search for the word Fraley, as in RW managing editor Brian Fraley, who worked with Kelly Rindfleisch back in the legislative caucus days. Then note that Fraley is involved in the email exchange that just led Gov. Walker -- apparently -- to fire DOT legal counsel John Schulze. Then turn on your radio and listen to Charlie Sykes argue against the Schulze's firing. It's a small and deeply intertwined world.”
Part of that deep intertwine is JS ownership of this Right Wisconsin so closely tied to Walker’s camp and Sykes’s disgust when Walker backs away from supporting his own gang.
As of this writing, Bice as columnist has suggested but not flat out said that Walker knew of the secret email network and router set up inside his county exec office. Meanwhile Sykes pretends it’s all old news though Walker’s pettiness in these emails destroys his Eagle Scout image and explains why Republican and Democratic prosecutors and judges continue to investigate him.
Any journalist can smell that Walker was deeply involved but there is a legal concern – and Walker has a deep bench of high-priced lawyers – about what you can say in print. After all, there wasn’t enough back then to charge Walker with corruption, just hints that good lawyers could try to strangle in court action.
As I spelled out to friends who asked: “There is a legal reason that Walker dodges his obvious knowledge and even media reporters who demand he answers. Consider the consequences if he does admit publicly what the emails of others reveal. It would confirm his role in an illegal coordination between campaign and county workers on taxpayer time. That opens him up to criminal action, in effect reopening the first John Doe while he and supporters are scrambling to delay the second John Doe until after the election.”
So while I understand the caution of journalists, I must point out that aggressive reform-minded newspapers – unlike JS -- would say aloud that Walker knew despite the legal implications. They have lawyers, too, and the First Amendment to protect them when they draw obvious conclusions. It’s not a matter of opposing or supporting Walker, it’s just going where the evidence leads good journalists.
For now, Bice in his column can hint, but he won’t say. Maybe that’s unusual caution in practice. But maybe, now that his owners have shown their real stripes, he has little choice.
Thus Sykes and Fraley have forsook all pretenses of being entertainers or journalists. They are simply marionettes controlled by their corporate puppet masters.
Despite the facts, right wingers accuse the Journal Sentinel of having a liberal, Democratic bias. It does not matter to them that JS endorsed Walker for governor twice.
ReplyDeleteDominique Paul Noth offers astute insight:
ReplyDeleteThe newspaper has abandoned the genuine plight of Milwaukee County and city, except to carp about the poverty, unemployment and education dilemmas as failures of the progressive movement, in favor of building up the virtues of the outlying suburbs where they need to draw readers.
The irony, of course, is that the suburbs are fading in appeal to younger citizens who should be future readers. They like the growing urban centers. Despite the ingrained pockets of poverty, they are determined to make Milwaukee attract fresh entrepreneurs and activists. Groups of college trained families are abandoning the lure of comfortable suburban living to tackle street by street the neighborhood improvements, the organic reclaiming of the earth, the helping hand for the downtrodden.
I hope you're right about taking back Milwaukee.
DeleteThat is a tremendous column by Noth, and it shows just how owned the JS truly is.
ReplyDeleteLet's not give Bice too much credit here. That guy is more than willing to run with any RW BS that's fed to him, instead of actually figuring out if there's anything connected to it in the real world. Just because he's reporting now on Walker's obvious corruption and his staff's scumminess doesn't let him off the hook.
The consequences of the state's leading newspaper being in bed with right wing Republicans who have taken control of state power are out-of-control corruption by right wing Republicans. How much has the JS reported on the payoffs from Gogebic Taconite to Walker, Tiffany and friends? Why was the JS not taking the lead in exposing the payoff to United Sportsmen? Why has JS not reported the unlimited and therefore illegal spending by right wing "social welfare" organizations on behalf of Prosser for the Supreme Court? That is only a short list of Republican corruption where JS is MIA.
ReplyDeleteSpealing of legalities, it is not legal for corporations to give its products -- a free ride on corporate jet or free golfing at its club -- to politicians. Yet J-S (Sykes & Fraley) coordinates with Walker's people and airs hundreds of hours of advertising for Walker -- that must be worth 10s of thousands of dollars.
ReplyDeleteGreat article. Next step is to begin asking the Packers and Brewers why they place their products on airwaves devoted to racism, homophobia, religious fervour, and hatred for the middle class and women. Do they ultimately support WTMJ's and RightWisconsin's views, is that why? Important for us to know because while I am a lifelong fan of both teams, I would walk away in a second if I learned they do as would many fans, coaches and players.
ReplyDeleteBadgers are already bailing on TMJ , and will be on 920 in Milwaukee starting this Fall. It was a move that was LONG overdue.
DeleteI have bailed, as I haven't listened to his self-proclaimed holiness and the "former U. S. Attorney" in ages, or anything on that worthless piece of property on E. Capital Drive in Milwaukee. What a waste of people's time, especially from 8:30 to 2 everyday
DeleteBottom line is who owns the Journal.
ReplyDeleteJust look that up and it is tell all.
Pretty sure you're right about Club for Growth money in Right Wisconsin but until I can lock down in documents I can't report. but thanks for nice excerpts.
ReplyDeleteThe same people who own the Journal-sentinel and WTMJ own MediaTrackkkers
ReplyDeleteDominique, WTMJ itself legally disputes your following statement:
ReplyDelete"Many readers now wonder aloud why parent company Journal Communications continues to
damages its reputation of journalistic integrity by turning morning TMJ Radio over to the right-wing blathering of Charlie Sykes. But that was a ratings decision, not a news one. The justification remains that Sykes, like Rush Limbaugh, describes himself as an entertainer not a journalist."
In response to Media Action Center's petition to deny the license of WTMJ for not giving comparable time to both political parties during the Scott Walker recall, Journal attorneys make the case that Sykes qualifies as a "bonafide news" program. Please see page 11 here:
Also, all you who would like to Tell the FCC that Charlie Sykes is NOT Bonafide News, please sign the petition you will find at . This issue is so far under the radar screen, we are not getting a lot of traction, even though I know people are on our side.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't believe this JS article. In it, Jason Stein is distracted by the shiny from writing a story about Walker's refusal to answer questions about the Rindfleisch emails.... but wait!
ReplyDelete"The governor still answered questions on the ethics issues Wednesday"
Those crucial answers, which Wisconsinites have been waiting with bated breath for two years for, are... er... look at the shiny tax cuts!
I'm flabbergasted.
Why didn't the "reporters" ask Walker how he was going to keep property taxes from rising when local governments, not the state, levy almost all of the property taxes? That is so obvious. Has this state turned stupid?
ReplyDeleteHas Scott Walker always had a Secret Personal Email System since first becoming county executive?
Was Scott Walker's secret email system actually an updated speedier version than the one deputy chief of staff Tim Russell had installed back in 2002? Did Walker fine tune and get used to a separate confidential email system bypassing public accountability?
According to Wisconsin State Journal's Matthew DeFour: "Former county administrator: I helped set up Scott Walker's 'secret' Internet system
Gov. Scott Walker's Milwaukee County executive office was using a secret Internet system as early as 2002, according to a former county administrator who said he helped set up the network."
Walker had a secret email system in the Governor's office too, until they raided Cynthia Archer's house. Then it was cleanup time.
Events like a cleanup time can be a slippery slope. Fall down the slippery slope and if one gets caught; buy some additional indictments and indictees sometimes. Go straight to PMITAFP sometimes.
Deleteagain I ask,
ReplyDeleteWho owns the journal ???
Good question that is hard to answer.
DeleteJournal Communications is NYSE. Institutions and mutual funds own the majority of stock. MSDC MANAGEMENT, L.P. and David G. Meissner are the largest direct stock owners. Therefore the vast majority of Journal Communications is owned by faceless entities.
Meissner "served as volunteer Chairman of the Public Policy Forum, Inc., an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to providing information on community issues for government, businesses and citizens" Don't forget that right wing propaganda outlet Media Trackers also claims it is a non-profit, non-partisan organization.
Public Policy Forum receives rich contributions from the Bradley Foundation.
How about Rupert Murdoch ?????????
DeleteKoch Whores.