Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Walker Agenda Is Still Working! Part CCXL

Scott Walker is traveling the country telling people he should be president because he has done so well for our state and he wants to do the same to the country.  The country should pay close heed to how well Walker is really doing, which isn't at all well:
Unemployment rates are up in every Wisconsin county and major city.

The state Department of Workforce Development reported the figures for January.

The show unemployment increases across the board for the month. The figures are preliminary and subject to significant revision month-to-month.

Racine had the highest unemployment rate for the month at 8.1 percent, up from 7.5 percent in December. Milwaukee was second highest at 7.4 percent.

Menominee County had the highest unemployment for any county at 11 percent.
I wonder how proud the people who bought into Walker's lies are feeling now.


  1. That would mean they could think for themselves, Chris.

    1. Are you saying I'm giving them too much credit?

  2. Finish the damn article! Here is the last paragraph:

    The statewide unemployment rate for January was 5 percent, the lowest it's been since August 2008. The national unemployment rate in December was 5.7 percent.

    did you just forget to copy that one important paragraph?
