Bradley Foundation, and Eric O'Keefe funded propaganda site, dedicated to to "quality fact-based journalism", covers Democrats despite blindly following Scott Walker and refusing to sign the recall.
Media Trackers is dedicated to media accountability, government transparency, and quality fact-based journalism. Our site examines stories published in the mainstream media, explores claims made by some of the more partisan political groups, and provides the facts on the issues, people and elections that matter.Media Trackkkers local man on the ground (somewhere, as they have no official names, address, or contact numbers) Brian Sikma. who has regular credibility problems,and despite all of this, makes living "covering" Democrats.
Here is Sikma carrying out "fact-based journalism" at its finest.
According to Sikma's profile on Mediatrackers....o wait there is no actual record of a profile of his,or anyone who works for them.
Sikma did however break the story of Kyle Wood, the gay Republican staffer of fringe Congressional Candidate Chad Lee, who was "beaten and threatened by Mark Pocan's husband". The unfortunate thing for everyone in WI and the history of actual journalism, is that it never ever happened.
Apparently Mediatracker’s Principles of Ethical Conduct for Newsrooms and stories has never existed!
Sikma has also repeatedly smeared John Doe Judge Francis Schmitz, even though Schmitz has admitted to voting for Scott Walker..
The reporter’s name also appears in numerous white power and voodoo religion writings.
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