Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lena Taylor Celebrates Fascism With Her Friends

Well, isn't this just the most special thing you ever saw?

Lena Taylor actually went out with her Republican friends to celebrate selling out her constituents.  I guess some people have no sense of shame.

And speaking of which, now that the bill is all but enacted, we are seeing that the local paper is finally reporting what is in the bill, much of which the LefTeas who support Abele's power grab had told was not in there:
Provisions that kick in immediately include shrinking the board's role in land sales, labor negotiations and contracts. The county executive can hire as many people as he wants for his office without interference.

The executive also gets sole authority over the county fish hatchery, child support department, operation of the Milwaukee Public Museum, harbor facilities and any work relief program. Abele will have the sole power to create any new county department. He'll have primary oversight of minority contracting, which has been under the County Board.

A provision in the bill assigning one county lobbyist to the county executive and one to the board is already spawning differences. Abele said he gets to hire and supervise both lobbyists, though one would work with the board. Dimitrijevic said she understood that the two-person lobbying unit would be independent, with one lobbyist working with the board and the other with Abele.

The board's budget will drop from this year's $6.6 million to a maximum of $1.1 million starting next year, likely forcing a significant reduction in the 38-person board staff. However, several staff jobs now assigned to the board would be transferred to the county clerk and county comptroller. Four policy analyst jobs would go to the comptroller to create an independent service department that could be tapped by both the board and the county executive. The board currently has seven research analyst positions, though three are vacant.
Funny thing is, all those LefTeas that were telling us that these things weren't in
there are not saying a peep about it now. Maybe they're just waiting for their pay offs now.

But don't worry, gentle reader. There's still a lot more out there that Abele and his minions don't want to be made known.  But, golly gee, something tells me they will still be made know somehow.

Again, how can anyone not see the glaring resemblance between Abele and his good friend and mentor, Scott Walker?

And as for Taylor, there is no question that this will be her last term in office, with at least two top tier candidates being mentioned in going up against her.  The only question is whether she will even be allowed to complete her current term.


  1. I was explaining the Lena Taylor sell-out to a friend in New Mexico. The first question my friend asked is if Taylor has any non-adult children. When I answered that I believe that she has a school aged son, my friend immediately said that someone is threatening the safety of the child. My friend concludes that people with non-adult children should not be running for office. Not even school board!

    1. sorry I just cant get past your profile pic!

  2. Reposted this on the Ed Show. Hope you don't mind ;)

  3. Blessings.

    Carry the analogy to residents of the White House. What happened during the Clinton era?

  4. So as Wisconsinites what are we going to do? Are we going to just let them do this? or are we going to protest our butts off???? We can do this!
    I mean hit me up if anyone else feels this way and we can organize! This is WISCONSIN it's what we're known for doing!

  5. So let me get this straight: Lena Taylor cannot be civil and agree with her fellow legislators on some issues. The "peaceful", "tolerant", "accepting" Left insinuate that Lena Taylor must HATE those on the conservative side or she is not worthy. Is that it? This is why we are so messed up, because most on your side are a bunch of hypocrites who only want division and animosity. Shame, shame, shame.

    1. We are peaceful. We didn't start this fight. Be we sure as hell will finish it.

    2. Is that sort of like Walker and the Right running someone against Schultz, because he worked with the left on some things. And anything like Walkers divide and conquer, talk about hypocrites! Anyone who disagrees with Walker according to some Republicans in the legislature will get funding for compaigns pulled, one didn't even run again because he said Walker lied right to his face about collective bargaining and several other things. Talk about shame, but he has none.

  6. carrie -- what should wisconsinites do?

    Post a gazzillion events at a gazzillion facebooks and refuse to collaborate with anyone else.

    Proclaim to the world that real solidarity is the circle around your feet -- everyone else can just, you know, go to hell -- but that SOLIDARITY demans that the working poor, unemployed, and non-majority badger state citizewns that are largely EXCLUDED from public service jobs (except as LTEs) have no choice but to support UUUUUUUUUNIONS that left them behind!

    Yeah -- just like every other event since recall election was stolen (and nobody said BOO!), no one will show up.


  7. "Solidarity" to capper's crowd means African American children should continue to not be taught to read in massive numbers -- more so than even the deep south.

    Cuz, workers rights means crushing the vast majority of unemployed and working poor and generations of children will continue to to be underserved.

    1. Every single study shows that voucher schools are failures. Excuse me for wanting the best for our children.

  8. Fascism? Threats to children?

    Loosen up the straps on the tinfoil hats a bit, folks; and maybe think about joining us over here in reality. It's really not as scary as you think.

    1. Yes, fascism. Buy a dictionary.

    2. It's a lot scarier than you think, Anon, unless you have a problem with self-determination and actual, elective democracy. Corporate rule is fascism; corporations now run the state of Wisconsin, therefore they will soon run the county of Milwaukee and every other municipality they can trump up a BS excuse to co-opt.

  9. Seriously - you really think this is all about her children?

  10. Here we have Lena Taylor holding hands and hugging with Lea Vukmir. Vukmir is in bed with the voucher schools and RIGHT SYKES. Can't wait to see the picture of Leah throwing kisses at Darling and Sykes.

  11. I think Leah sees the money from Voucher schools and may also want a pet potions with Chris Plutocrat Unabele.

  12. It's a sick picture - Vukmir doesn't represent her district at all. She 's a puppet to Voucher schools, Charlie White Right me the Bradly foundation. Shame on you Lea and Lena.

    Two peas in a pod.

  13. Who are the top tier candidates??? May as well give them a stage now!

    1. And you don't need to wait till 2016. When someone turns their back on their community, you can get rid of her sooner. Like at the same time you vote on this referendum

  14. The Republicans were going to pass this bill no matter what. Sen Taylor got them more $ (originally 15K) and negotiated other benefits that they wouldn't of had without her involvement.
    The fact that some people cannot see the benefit of her involvement on this or any issue PROVES that they don't want compromise and solutions, they just want to hate anyone who goes against them, all just a bunch of zombies being told what to think. Use your brain people, without Lena's involvement, the county board would have even less than they do now.
    Sheesh! What a bunch of morons!
