Paul Ryan admitted it took him a good six months to get over his loss to President Obama and Joe Biden.Cantonese goes on to note that Iowa had gone to President Obama by five points. He also noted that Ryan petulantly made it sound that this was the Republicans' fault for not delivering the state.
And a year later, the wounds on the former GOP vice presidential nominee still seem raw.
At a fundraiser for Gov. Terry Branstad in Iowa Saturday night, the Wisconsin congressman bemoaned the 2012 defeat in a dull and, at times, awkward speech that failed to extract the rapturous reaction one would expect for a rising star or potential 2016 presidential candidate.
Perhaps the crowd caught a bit of the 2012 bug Ryan was still carrying.
“We were in a funk for a good six months because we made mistakes,” he acknowledged, adding that it was “obviously very frustrating.”
Cantonese ends his article with these telling words:
In addition to [Governor Terry] Branstad, Ryan name-checked and thanked Rep. Tom Latham and Sen. Chuck Grassley but did not mention Rep. Steve King, the most vocally conservative member of the delegation.The only question would be is Ryan doing so poorly because of his own corruption and absurdity, or is he also receiving some of Scott Walker's John Doe taint.
“Maybe we should come back and do this more often. People are really friendly here,” Ryan said, in a hint that was clearly meant to signal he’s keeping the presidential door open.
He could’ve used a few more friendly folks in the room tonight.
It must be tough to be a political has-been at his age, while that that arrogant prick Walker steals his TV time.